They wont emulate the PS1 controls, if thats what ur looking for. Theyll make it so u can hop forward without holding forward (essential if U dont want to blow up, some times abe decides to step forward before hopping) and hold L2 to run instead of the analog stick, which I had grown accustomed to, so I dont use it.
I more or less played new n tasty first. I only put an hour into the original. As someone who didnt grow up playing abes oddysey, the controls suck. In comparison. IMO New and tasty feels slick and flows alot better, and AO feels super clunky. But im sure you guys played a hell of alot more of the OG than I did.
Abe never does this, unless you press DIRECTION
then JUMP. The game was built with tolerance into the hopping, the intention being to tap JUMP
then DIRECTION, which worked every time.
I don't think that was particularly well communicated though (
although we did try) and hence a lot of the complaints about the controls stemmed from people trying to push forward then jump. Of course, in this instance, Abe
would move forward first.
Without the "old school" controls, it's simply JUMP then DIRECTION to hop. With the "old school" controls on, it's just JUMP to hop.