There's also the fact that it happens to men, too, way more often than you'd think. The difference here is that it's often looked past because women kind of get "special treatment" in that department.
Japan has the right idea here. Anime portraying gross infanitilizations of effeminate young men are a big market right now. Bonus points if they're touchy feely with one another.
It's sort of disgusting but hey, that's equality for you. Can't argue with what female fans want out of what they watch.
I don't think its wrong we have so many unrealistically sexualised women in media because we all know that the key word is unrealistically. People aren't like that, and it's more offensive to men that people think we only think with our dicks.
If this was true then holy shit it would take more than a pair of breasts to adveritize something. Men think with their dicks and we are socialized to think that women are objects and this is okay. It's been getting better, but it still exists.
where as you have radical feminists and social justice warriors that will flip their shit about Wonder-Woman's costume
That sure is a buzzword.
Another thing is that things like breast cancer adverts (warnings, not places to buy your own tumor) are always geared at women, yet you'd be surprised at the amount of men who can get the disease. I've also never seen anything on TV warning men about testicular cancer.
In 2008, breast cancer caused 458,503 deaths worldwide
Globally, as of 2010, testicular cancer resulted in about 8,000 deaths.
Gee I wonder why this could be.
I guess my point is that feminism is essentially useless in the first world, as women may not be represented in the same way as men, but they are treated as equally as they can be.
Call me back when we have no pay gap, k?
When it gets down to it, nobody is equal, and that's kind of what keeps things interesting.
Other considerations aside, you are far too white to speak that bullshit.
There's no reason to get annoyed about over sexualisation in the media because not only is it common with both genders, but we know that it isn't real.
Nate's response to this was far more eloquent than the incoherent ramble I'd subject you to, but if you think that life doesn't imitate art you are dead wrong.

Soooooo creating insular male created and male orientated industries is okay with you...? You better watch those arguments you're co-opting sir.
Those radical feminists on Tumblr don't want equality, they want to be more privileged than men. In some respects women always will be more privileged than men, and in others men will be more privileged than women, but the issues begin when people start crying about it.
The issue with inequality doesn't begin when people start crying about it. It begins with the inequality itself. I am struck dumb by this entirely vapid and unsubstantiated argument. Also you're assuming radfems are the be all and end all of third wave feminism and that's just not true.
Basically it goes from one extreme to the other, you've got the racists, homophobics and transphobics at one end, and then you've got the social justice warriors at the other who exist only to represent their respective groups horribly and give them a bad rep.
Basically how are those two sides at all equivalent? Yes, TERFs and the like are awful, but holy shit so what? They're not in positions of power. They're not policy makers. Racists and homophobes and misogynists
If I see one person raise a Tumblr opinion on this thread I'm going to send the person a nice fedora to add to their collection.
Too many of said misandrists are parading around as feminists though and moving modern feminism in a reeeally bad direction that's making a lot of people uncomfortable even exercising the thought they might be a feminist.
Are they? Are they
really? Your homework shall be to collect the names of popular campaigners, authors and academics who are part of the Feminist Illuminati.
Make sure you don't get disappeared!
Sexism exists because humans are sexual creatures. Men lust after beautiful women, so men put beautiful women in their commercials, movies, games to entice other men. Because they know what men like.
Flip the coin around and there are the women who lust after beautiful men. So the women put beautiful men in their commercials, movies (and sometimes games) to entice other women. Because they know what women like. There's a reason Christian Grey from 50 Shades is a tall handsome muscular man and not a short, bald, fat guy with glasses.
It happens equally in every medium
And yet, though roughly 50% of the human race is female every industry is male dominated on every level from concept to audience...?
I can't for the life of me imagine how a man staring at a girl's ass for 2 minutes because it's so perfect can possibly be seen as insulting. If anything it's supposed to be a compliment.
Feminism is fighting for gender equality and egalitarian is fighting for equality on all fronts not specifically gender,
If you say this in the context of a discussion about sex and gender what it sounds like you're saying is 'Yes women have it worse but I'm fighting for the rights of men too.' You have to use language relevant to the context of the discussion because most people are fucking idiots and will bite your head off because they think you meant something you didn't. There seems to be this misconception that there's a line called equality and we straight white males (Disclaimer: I'm not straight
and I don't really identify with being male either, but that's not relevant here.) are either situated on the line or a bit below it. That's wrong. We are far above the line. If we need to be taken down a peg to allow those below the line to have some elbow room to climb, then so be it. Privilege is a zero sum game.
and even then feminism only focuses on the rights of men and women, and seems to exclude intersex/gender variant in the mix
There's some unfortunate truth in this, but as it stands it's basically an appeal to worse problems. Feminists don't
need to fight for trans rights just like they don't need to fight for the rights of starving African babies. Trans people can stand up for themselves and the eeeeeevil straight white males who control the world can support them. We have the privilege! You'll also find that a lot of feminist groups
are openly supportive of trans groups which is nice but we shouldn't cloud the issue here.
I like some of those things they're doing in commercials and stuff where they're encouraging little girls to be more varied in their skill sets and not only focusing on dolls and sparkles though. That's very good. We need more of that.
I agree!
But don't get men to make it.
Tumblr's toxic ideals have seeped out into the real world on more than a few occasions.
Fucking Dashcon, man.
Let's just ignore Tumblr keyboard warriors for a minute
But I don't want to.
They're so funny!
Nobody listen to Nate. I've been told from reliable sources that Zoe Quinn paid him in sexual favours to forward the Feminazi agenda.
I just went and quoted myself to remind everyone that Nate is superduper privileged (Thanks for that, God) and he's two degrees of separation from the Illuminati. Probably.
but I'll need to suffer through those awful terrible looking videos that Nep posted first and there's no fucking way I'm doing that sober.
Haha I'm not entirely sober and I still didn't watch them!
That said, some women are evil cockslut bitches and deserve everything they get!
The power of life imitates art in action. Strike Witch has watched too much bad anime and is now unable to distinguish between reality and fiction

The majority of people who claim to be feminists that I've met that are supposed to be advocating for feminism have not shown they are fighting for equality. This is a problem and why a lot of people have become anti-feminist, despite actually being feminist themselves, because these people are everywhere.
The problem with this argument is
lots of men are much stupider than you could ever believe and this kind of thinking and behaviour is propagated and validated through the media's depiction of women. That's the beeee all and eeeeend all here. Ladies and gentlemen.
Is the whole 'real women have curves' thing a feminist thing or is that something different?
I think that's a general "body positivity" thing gone wrong
Rule of thumb: If you are medically healthy (Anorexia and obesity are not medically healthy) then anyone telling you what a real [insert group here] should look like is most definitely not on your side and is poisonous to your cause and your self-esteem. Ignore that shit and get it out of your life.
I have rum.