Thank you, everyone. At four 'o' clock this afternoon I was condsidering making my own thread.
It's only Monday so jovial intoxication has been postponed until Friday night.
I got a new accordion. I'll get back to you when I can actually play/lift it.

Now it's time for YOU to make a suggestion of what to draw
18 candles, 4 llamas, Michaelangelo's David in a bikini, Brian Blessed naked, 6 ducks, 2 bees fighting over a coconut, a toilet cistern with squid tentacles, a Kraken with no tentacles and a moustache, 9 broken plates, a pair of boobs with sideburns, a map of Poland showing the position of all hydroelectric power stations, 3 dragonflies wearing bowler hats, a hammerhead shark and a partridge in a pear tree.