Well, that sucks. Thanks for telling us though!
As a pirate myself [I'm a try-before-I-buy person] I don't quite understand the concern. The sites will all eventually get a hold of it [usually after the DMCA etc. get tired of filing takedown notices] In my opinion it's merely delaying the inevitable. Could you perhaps go into more detail on the reason why? That is, assuming you are allowed.
P.S. Off topic, I know, but I plan on pre-ordering New 'n' Tasty. I'm the type of person that never pre-orders any game. Just saying
P.S. #2 I always encourage pirates to buy the games if they like them! If the developers etc. don't get money than there won't be anything made to pirate!
A try before you buy person? Do you go to the local supermarket and open a packet of chocolate and then proceed to stuff your face before you buy it? Then, if you don't like it, you what? You just slip it back and say, 'oh I didn't like it so I didn't bother buying it'. Well great, that's shoplifting. There's nothing ethical about it and there's no justification, if everyone had that attitude then the economy would come a complete halt and producers of any product would just stop.
If you don't like the game, you don't buy it? Yep, that's shoplifting. Oh and you're saying they should let it out now because 'it'll get pirated any way?' Fuck that. J.A.W - the company you're talking about ripping off, is a small scale developer and every sale counts. If they open the flood gates to piracy they get less money and future games aren't going to be as good. Simple.
I hope you meant that in a sarcastic sense as I am trying to keep conversation civil concerning that this is a touchy subject. I know people who make $100,000 dollars and more a year and they still pirate before they buy a product because they want to make sure a book, movie, TV series, or game is good and worth buying. Like I said before, I have the utmost faith in JAW making a fine product so I'm going to pre-order it and encourage others to do so.
Yes, I am an entitled and very lazy piece of shit! You caught me! *claps*
It's a touchy subject because people like you seem to be able to justify what they're doing. There's no justification, it's wrong. You're not going to make friends bragging about it. Well...maybe you will, there are certain circles for sycophantic fucks with personality as shallow as the Dead Sea, so I guess you could fit in there? Good luck getting on in the big old real world with that outlook on life though.
That's fine. I was expecting worse [like a temp ban or something]. My point was that not every pirate is some dude with no job, no social skills, no life living in mothers basement. Most I've met are the exact opposite.
As much as I dislike Munch's Oddysee [for a number of reasons] I actually wouldn't mind paying full price for it. I know a friend who'd love to have it in HD and doesn't have the Oddbox, surprisingly, and no he isn't a pirate.
Those 'dude's' don't exist, still, the fact you're pirating is kind of sad, you could spend your time pirating looking for, and eventually working at a job so that you could pay for the stuff you're stealing and help out the developers. I don't think anyone actually pinned that stereotype to pirates, but now that you make me think about it...it is pretty sad. Shame I might get bunched into the same category unfortunately.
I didn't take offense to it. I've developed a thick skin, especially after playing so many online video games. I actually agree with you, btw. I'm an entitled shit but at least I got enough balls [lack thereof actually! ] to admit it. Still not going to use the word though. I curse rarely anyways. I'm the type of person that doesn't rapid-fire curse words like a ten year old boy. When I curse it's like a nuke has been dropped. I also generally curse in a friendly matter. Thanks for the explanation though! New users, other than me, will benefit from it.
Anyways, back on topic before admin rolls in and starts crying.
You developed a thick skin playing video games? Really? Is getting called a homo on occasion a potentially shocking experience now? Christ, getting verbally and physically bullied for four years must be a really archaic experience then. And what about cursing? You're gifted with an English vocabulary, the most extensive in the world, but you won't use a word like cunt? It's just a word.
I pirate music and films too, by the way, but I'll be damned if I boast about it.