G5 is in my opinion the worst, but I always hated most anything that wasn't first gen (key word MOST).
Examples: One of the pokemon is a fucking candle.
It evolves into an oil lamp, which evolves into a chandelier.
Another one is a bag of trash. Which evolves into a bigger bag of trash.
The first games had Pokeball as a Pokemon that got it's colors reversed and a big grin, a rock with fists, a metal ball with magnets and screws sticking out, and a group of eggs that became a tree. I think every generation had it's losers, but that candle thing is not one of them.
I wasn't expecting to like these games, honestly. I lost interest years ago, but I've been unable to avoid the hype, so went out and got both games like a good consumer whore. I'm still undecided if I should play both simultaneously or beat one and then go for the other, but did start White and picked the piggy.