Not really. But I expect nothing less from someone who is so godforsaken ugly that a glory hole is his last hope.
You are a pompous douche from Holland who sits in a shitty little gargoyle booth clicking buttons for lighting, claiming it's a difficult job, shitting all over people and desperately trying to justify fucking underage girls.
But that's just the tip of the shit iceberg that is you.
First off:
Nobody here is jealous of you in any way, shape or form; you have a shitty, incredibly lame job. I can do what you do, and considering how much you bitch, I can apparently do it a lot more well, and I haven't even graduated from High School yet. To think that being a Lighting Technician is difficult is easily one of the more pathetic things you've said. Man the fuck up. When I worked with the Electricians we laughed at faggots like you every day. Every single fucking day. It was glorious.
Nothing you say is ever even remotely true or valid. You have diarrhea of the mouth, and that's coming from a guy who says things like "you have diarrhea of the mouth". It would be one thing to accept the ever stacking pile of criticism everyone here has for you, but no, you can't even show a sliver of humility. When we call you out on being such a raging social fuck up (like gleefully admitting you had sex with an underage girl) you can't acknowledge that you can be a gigantic tardbus sometimes, just like the rest of us.
Now, this shit between you and Hobo is obviously a bit more deep seated than I know about, but whereas the shit he says is at the very least valid or correlates to something previous, you just fart out some mean, dickish thing and think you're king of the world. Get the fuck off your high horse. You're a dirty furry with a shitted out moral compass and a truly poor grasp of how socializing works. Kindly get out of my internet forum with your posturing bullshit and do some growing up.
Also, it turns out it costs like 40$ an hour for this service. Sweet Jesus.
EDIT: It wouldn't surprise me if I got infracted for this. Maybe a little ban, but I'm saying what I feel needs to be said (albeit with more 'fuck' and 'diarrhea'). I know I'm a mean bastard.