...or ASP. Sssss!
I have spent a long time being frustrated that when I need a screen for AO or AE, I have to play through the entire game to get there. So now me and Josh have made a genuine commitment to making an on-demand screenshot database a reality. Please, join us for the good of Abe fans everywhere! Even if you can only post one shot, it's one closer! Looking into the future, when we have got all the shots, we will need some kind of webpage or spreadsheet where you can browse them by screen code or game area (Scrabania, Paramonia etc.). With the use of the noclip cheat, I'm sure we'll be done in no time.
Current status: We're hiring!
Specifically screensearchers.
MeechMunchie the Magnificent
Screenshot program
here. >
Turns out it doesn't work with AO/AE. You'll have to do PrintScreen for now.<
Information on the noclip cheat
here and
This is an evolving project, so feel free to give your suggestions!