The problems with Fan Games are the same as the problems with new game makers in general. They make all the promises in the world and tell everyone that they'll keep working, and then they stop making the game mid-flow (mostly due to the pressures of everyday life). My opinion is that this will almost always happen regardless, so we shouldn't penalize the users who don't manage to complete a game. If we put any restrictions on creativity, you're more likely to see a Black Hole where the creativity has gone. We'll go from unfinished ideas to no ideas.
Actually you could pretty much say the problems with Fan Games are the same as the problems with
any long term fan creation. Really, if you go to Ajeillyn's Fanfiction Library and look through some of the threads there you'll see that the majority of the stories never get finished. So no, users shouldn't be penalized for not managing to complete the work, but if you look at it the same way as a fan fiction, it's not generally accepted very well if someone starts a thread saying how they have these big plans for a story they're going to write, but they don't actually have even the introduction to it written. Games are exactly the same - you need to at least have
something to show the public.
But as has been pointed out, sometimes new game makers need some help getting started, so that's where that idea of a stickied thread for general game making help would be very useful. Of course, as people have pointed out in other threads new game makers would be better off asking the basics on an actual game making forum, but I don't think we can realistically expect to see that happening, so at least having a single thread for people to ask for help would keep it contained to one place.
As for restricting requests, as Max pointed out it's a bit unrealistic to not allow any one to ask for help unless they already have programming skills of some kind, but we could always include guidelines, for instance ask that they provide a
detailed description of whatever it is they want help with, and if they've already tried something, tell us what it is and what's wrong with it. Something like that is a bit hard to enforce, since there are so many people who never read the instructions and just go ahead and post "hw i mak games plz hlp!", but at least you would have something to refer them to.
Just my two cents.