I have decided to create a fan-fic based around my current game Slig Wars to further the story line and help with production.
Slig Wars
The Rebellion
This all started when the Glukkon queen , Lady Margaret, tricked Queen Skillya into selling her children, in much the same way she tricked Sam. This eventually led to her becoming insane. Which had a severe affect on her physiological state and led to her beating her children and tormenting them. Sligs would have a naturally loving and sociable nature but the regular beating led to them becoming sadistic. Now I must fight for what I believe in and for what has become of our world, for what has become of our Oddworld
Chapter 1
My name is Alrik, that’s the name I chose when I graduated from slaughter school. I was one of the top students there. I passed sniper training with ease and I was later chosen to guard Rupture Farms 1029 on an outpost near the stockyards. After the terrorist Abe shut down the factory I retreated into the forest as an attempt to save my own life. I managed to escape into the jungle of Necrum when I fell and cracked my skull on a rock. When I awoke my pants were gone, my Magnum and Baton were gone and I was tied to a tree. After shouting to be let free my captors emerged. They were Mudokons, but they weren’t like the enslaved industrialists he’d guarded back at Rupture Farms, They had large hairstyles and wore dyed loin cloths. They asked me were I came from and who sent me. So I told them that I had retreated from the factory. They took pity on me and treated my wounds. Over the coming days I gained their trust and they trusted me enough to give me my pants and baton. They welcomed me into their community and treat me as one of their own. They showed me what had become their race and how the Glukkons had damaged their natural lifestyle. I stayed with them and assisted them in guarding their Mudokon Fortress.