Good tidings to all, I'm Joe and I'm new. May your saddlebags be forever overflowing and your loins forever fruitful.
So anyway yeah hi /wave I decided to join this loony bin (Read: Delightful forum) because I was getting to the point with a couple of my friends that i was able to understand one word in five they were saying (joke

) so some of you already know and love me but for the thousands who don't I say 'Hello' in the rather middle class English accent I apparently have.
One more thing

. Firstly I am very new to roleplaying, i have indulged (Ye gods i sound snobby) in some with some of my friends but this is the first proper forumy thingy I've been on and also unfortunately I lost my disc two of Exodus and refuse steadfast to buy an Xbox just for Fable, Oddworld and Viva Pinata now the second has been discontinued :P so I'm a tad lore starved....It would help if anyone could direct me somewhere i could find stuffz out 'cos all the websites I've been on thus far seem to be only half complete as far as lore is concerned ¬¬.
Hoping I won't get pariahed by you all.
Joe/Brunzal/Lordventuri (depends where you know me from :P)