Wells are a natural feature of Oddworld. Mudokons have managed to control this phenomenon and build a country‐spanning transport network with them. Obviously it has also been mimicked by Industrialists, who have created from scratch their own, artificial well networks (as those in Vykkers Labs couldn’t possibly use natural wells).
As for how they work, it obviously involves constant, powerful air flow, but the exact mechanisms are left unexplained. Something like the Big Well must draw all that air from somewhere, maybe many smaller wells that feed it: if so, maybe natural wells are a kind of underground air river, powered (judging by the red‐hot interior of the Big Well) by geothermal energy.
This is entirely feasible enough for Oddworld’s audience to suspend any disbelief about the technology, but leave it a mystery enough for us to find Oddworld fantastic and magical; this is the perfect balance, and I don’t expect OWI ever to explain wells in perfect detail any more than they would explain bird portals, storm circles, possession, any of the Mudokons’ psychic powers, or any of the Industrialists’ more exotic technology (like those gravity‐defying chant suppressors, cameras, and zappers).