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05-01-2007, 07:37 PM
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They come here illegaly, so give them rights!

I promised myself I wouldn't touch the immigration thing, but I'm fed up.

People are marching in the streets in LA for rights for illegal immigrants and increased immigration. However, it looks like they're getting a bit afraid. My Way News (link) reported that the turnout is lower than before.

It makes no sense at all to me about these immigration laws. Immigrants break the law, and people are supporting them for it? That's total bullshit. Sure, they want their families to join them in the US, but can't have some ****ing patience and fill out the paperwork? Screw them if they aren't allowed still, if the government decides they shouldn't be let in, I say that's a good enough reason. The total lack of regard for government is what's turning the US into a total hellhole in the cities.

One of the most retarded reasons they're doing this is summed up in this quote from My Way News:

"We are not criminals," said Roberto Organo, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who said he has lived in the U.S. for 15 years. "We are looking for work to support our families. It's OK for government to enforce the law but they have to give us a chance."
Oh really? Give you a chance? Oh sure, come on in, you're allowed if you make it past Border Patrol. We only take the ones who can't have some ****ing sense. If you wanted to support your families, you'd try to get a better job, not steal over into another country and work illegaly.

I understand the whole 'anything for your family' argument. Yes, they are desperate. Yes, they need the money. Yes, their country is probably one of the worst places to live in, unless you're an official. But that dosen't mean you have to come here and then protest for more of the same poor, desperate people to flood in.

This probably looks like a total rant on immigration problems, and I am well aware of the exceptions to my selfish stereotyping of poor people who just want to jump into the country and 'live the American Dream'. (which, by the way, ended about around the time people stopped using tommy guns in New York)

It just blows my mind that people want to give lawbreakers an easier time of it, and are totally not looking toward the future. I've lived in California, so I've seen the type of immigrants that are coming from Mexico. Virtually all the Mexicans were part of a wannabe school gang, and were regularly harrasing classes, students, and vandalizing school property. Other immigrant-born children weren't much better.

I'm all for immigration, but not on this kind of scale and stupidity. Rules were created to make order, not put people down like stupid people think.

I have no doubt I will be shot down for this, and I invite the critisim. Go ahead and call me an arrogant, whiny, brain-washed little 15-year-old who dosen't have the expirience to know whats good for the world. I'll argue right back, and hopefully this won't get closed too quickly before I can show you why I think what I think.



Last edited by mitsur; 05-01-2007 at 07:40 PM..
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05-01-2007, 07:57 PM
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Patrick Vykkers
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I can't wait to see Mutual's response.

But seriously, I think this whole thing is really a battle between wingnuts, Mexican nationalist wingnuts, and the rest of society.
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Last edited by Patrick Vykkers; 05-01-2007 at 08:05 PM..
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05-02-2007, 01:07 AM
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Mitsur, my man, I agree with you. There is a border of barbed wire, walls, armed guards and a very long stretch of desert between Mexico and the US. Yet somehow the people from Mexico seem to think that the barbed wire is there for decoration, the walls for pole vaulting excersize and the guards to applaud them when they make it over.
So yea it must suck to live in a crappy country while the people next door live in buildings made of gold, that doesn't mean you get to walk in there to enjoy that life as well. According to that standard I could walk into a party Bill Gates is having because he's richer then me and he can throw parties bigger then I can. It's absolutely stupid.
The world is a ****ed up place and I can't blame anyone for wanting to leave Mexico but that's life! Deal with it! And if you can't deal with it, then do the honest approach and file for immigration. If you have a good reason then they will let you in!

But if illegal immigrants get the same rights as the population of that country then I want to have the right to break into a house and snatch the 1000 inch TV right of the wall because I don't have that TV. It's the same damn thing and it's bloody retarded. Those protesters should be shot in the face by a pissed off Mexican.

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05-02-2007, 04:38 AM
looney-bin's Avatar
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Mitsur, my man, I agree with you. There is a border of barbed wire, walls, armed guards and a very long stretch of desert between Mexico and the US. Yet somehow the people from Mexico seem to think that the barbed wire is there for decoration, the walls for pole vaulting excersize and the guards to applaud them when they make it over.
So yea it must suck to live in a crappy country while the people next door live in buildings made of gold, that doesn't mean you get to walk in there to enjoy that life as well. According to that standard I could walk into a party Bill Gates is having because he's richer then me and he can throw parties bigger then I can. It's absolutely stupid.
The world is a ****ed up place and I can't blame anyone for wanting to leave Mexico but that's life! Deal with it! And if you can't deal with it, then do the honest approach and file for immigration. If you have a good reason then they will let you in!

But if illegal immigrants get the same rights as the population of that country then I want to have the right to break into a house and snatch the 1000 inch TV right of the wall because I don't have that TV. It's the same damn thing and it's bloody retarded. Those protesters should be shot in the face by a pissed off Mexican.

Fully agree with this post.
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05-02-2007, 07:30 AM
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I have no significant feelings either way. This must be the only damn issue in the world for which I have no opinion. When it comes to the question of illegal immigration, I am apathy incarnate.

Thus, a constructive contribution to this thread.
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05-02-2007, 09:48 AM
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People are people. I didn't read your post, but i get a good gist that you're an idiot from the title.

Don't give them rights, they'll stay poor and mooch off your system. Give them rights, they get jobs, houses, become citizens and pay taxes to support more people who have come.

Well, at least in theory.
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05-02-2007, 12:14 PM
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People are people. I didn't read your post, but i get a good gist that you're an idiot from the title.

Don't give them rights, they'll stay poor and mooch off your system. Give them rights, they get jobs, houses, become citizens and pay taxes to support more people who have come.

Well, at least in theory.
Or send them back to their country or send them to Iraq as cannon fodder.
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05-02-2007, 12:18 PM
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I agree with Hobo. Mitsur and Havok suck. This is just more proof.

My bowels hurt.

Last edited by OANST; 05-06-2007 at 12:07 PM..
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05-02-2007, 01:24 PM
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I say we kill them all in a huge massacre. Mexico doesn't want them, nor does America. No problem there.
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05-02-2007, 01:32 PM
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Agreed. Mitsur and Havok suck. This is just more proof.
Seriously I'm starting to get fed up with your constant idiotic behavior.Don't waste your time posting meaningless stuff. Either contribute to the topic in a normal way or stay the hell out.
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05-02-2007, 01:33 PM
Paramite of War's Avatar
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Why dont they stay over there and fix their own country?


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05-02-2007, 02:16 PM
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Because, they cant. They mate like rabbits! My Mexican has freakin 36 brothers and sisters and are somehow all related. Freakin rabbits.
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05-02-2007, 02:23 PM
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Agreed. Mitsur and Havok suck. This is just more proof.
Your total lack of supporting evidence makes me conclude that I have bested you, at least for one post.

Begin the parades and parties.


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05-02-2007, 03:33 PM
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I like immigrants. They are goo.d
Life! Death! Prizes!

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05-02-2007, 08:17 PM
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Get those damn canadians out of here.

On a serious note, I don't like illegal immigrants who think they deserve more rights than, say, a thieve. Granted, they're better than murderers, but they're illegal and they deserve to be treated as such.
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05-02-2007, 08:52 PM
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I say, let them immigrate here from hither and yond, just please... do it legally.

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05-02-2007, 10:16 PM
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Agreed. Mitsur and Havok suck. This is just more proof.
So you'd all too happy to let Pablo and his 40 chidlren+wife illegally come to your town and sponge off your town's tax money?
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05-03-2007, 12:02 AM
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I think their stance on this is that if you give them the rights they want they won't be a drain on the taxes anymore. IMO however that's giving in to something, that's blackmail. And if illegals get rights because they steal tax money then I want those same rights for stealing that television and beating up that homeless dude. Rights that do not include going to prison, might I add.

Think about this. If you're an American citizen and you steal tax money, you're a fraud and you'll go to jail when caught. But if you hop the border and you steal tax money while not being a US citizen you suddenly should get rights and privileges? That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard...

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05-03-2007, 02:33 AM
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I think its pointless to judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes, but thats just me.
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05-03-2007, 05:45 AM
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I think its pointless to judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes, but thats just me.
I'd make a joke about mexicans not being able to afford shoes, but really I can't be bothered.
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05-03-2007, 09:35 AM
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I think their stance on this is that if you give them the rights they want they won't be a drain on the taxes anymore. IMO however that's giving in to something, that's blackmail. And if illegals get rights because they steal tax money then I want those same rights for stealing that television and beating up that homeless dude. Rights that do not include going to prison, might I add.

Think about this. If you're an American citizen and you steal tax money, you're a fraud and you'll go to jail when caught. But if you hop the border and you steal tax money while not being a US citizen you suddenly should get rights and privileges? That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard...

You're stupid.


My bowels hurt.

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05-03-2007, 10:27 AM
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I agree with Havoc and Mitsur. Giving illegals rights is nonsensical, it's basically saying "Hey everybody, come live off our economy". If they legally come over, then fine, if they contribute to society, then fine. Illegal immigrants shouldn't just be handed rights for breaking the law by entering the country unlawfully. And by the same token, citizens who break the law, in my view, should lose their rights until they have served the duration of their sentence, since by breaking the law they have intentionally violated other peoples' human rights and as such don't deserve any themselves. I'm probably going to get flamed for my opinion, but I don't care.

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05-03-2007, 10:52 AM
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I completely agree. Illegal immigrants should not be given rights. Why should they get the same rights as the rest of us? They illegally came into the country. They committed a crime and expect us to give them the same rights we have for committing that crime? Please. That'd be unfair to every citizen in the country.

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05-03-2007, 11:00 AM
looney-bin's Avatar
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You're stupid.

Care to explain why havoc is stupid on this topic?
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05-03-2007, 12:44 PM
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He prolly doesn't know why, he just likes saying I'm stupid. Which makes him even more stupid... ah well.

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05-03-2007, 02:02 PM
Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
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You're stupid.

One of these days OWF, one of these days. We should penalize trolls more harshly for their stupidity.
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05-05-2007, 02:43 PM
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Let's get back ontopic otherwise I will start handing out infractions! *Unofficial warning*

- Rexy

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05-05-2007, 05:37 PM
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Yeah, I’m sick of it too, here’s what I posted on another forum;
What a bunch of manure.
These people came here illegally and should be granted none of the privileges of American citizens; they’re a drain on everyone except for the big businesses that employ them illegally.

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05-05-2007, 05:54 PM
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Well, that's kinda the problem. You can give them rights but how do you force shady employers to pay minimum wage when they're already hiring immigrants illegally?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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05-06-2007, 09:42 AM
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He prolly doesn't know why, he just likes saying I'm stupid. Which makes him even more stupid... ah well.

I fully intended to explain further but I was at work and kept getting caught up with different things. Anyway, you and Mitsur are opposed to allowing these immigrants entrance into a country for all the wrong reasons. You're all full up of righteous indignation because you aren't illegal. You're a legal citizen of your country and YOU HAVE RIGHTS, GODDAMNIT! How dare these dirty, brown people who don't even speak our language come over here and take up our land and our jobs and our welfare? Right? I'll tell you why they have the right.
1. They're fucking human and deserve if not our help, at least our tolerance in their time of need.
2. Coming in and taking what isn't yours is what America was founded on. None of us speak the native language.
You're so upset because some of them are collecting government checks? Guess what. We budget for that. Our government knows it's inevitable and so they budget for it. But you're more worried about the principal aren't you, you giant turd? You're upset because those checks are tax dollars, earned by hard working people. Well, fuck you, you money grubbing shit eater. No one is taking any of this money with them when they die and if it helps someone raise their family in better circumstances I'm fine with it.

That being said, there are problems that arise with illegal immigration. you just haven't named any of them.

Call me a troll, will you?

My bowels hurt.

Last edited by OANST; 05-06-2007 at 10:57 AM..
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