Well, for a start, there is no good or bad endng in SW. But, if you get all the 20,000 moolah within the chapter that you need it, there's a special surprise...
Also, I got the good bad AND neutral ending in MO. The neutral ending's the same as the good though. Also, nobody try to free everyone in MO. I've done it several times and got nothing for it. You just get a crappy extra newspaper report if you aquire angelic quarma. I got the good AND bad endings in both AO and AE, as well as the extras for freeing all those mudokons. Damn, that took a while to do that. Especially with AO. The secret that pissed me off was the one on Stockyard Escaoe where there's two sligs, two mudokons and a bomb, and your only cover is a ledge and a shadow. It's a green background. You have to lead the muds away from the bomb, then lead the slig into the bomb. Then there's just one slig left on the lower level. Then you free the muds and go to the lower level, then hang on a ledge. Then you sneak into the next scene with him, then hang on another ledge, then when he escapes, go through the portal. There, now no-one can make a help thread about that secret. Sorry for going off topic there.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.