This will get better. This chap tells you a bit about Kreg, the main Char.
Chapter 2
I looked at my arm. It was covered in small scars. Just another reason why I needed them they had all the drugs...
I was on four a day then, morphine and steroids. I took morphine because of my back.
I had fractured my spine about four years before. Of course nobody gave a damn they could easily get another slig to do my job. It was the same with most of the others they weren't fit for work so were demoted to slaves.
Steroids were different, I didn't need them I just took them to satisfy my personal needs. Being a slave with a half broken back I would and could never earn big bro status.
To make me feel like I had at least a little power over somebody else. To do so I took steroids to make me stronger.
My relationship with the others wasn't very good. They didn't care what happened to me and it was the same for me. But to satisfy my addiction I needed to folow them around, since only through Drek, the only slig in our group who wasn't a slave could I get the drugs.
Their neglect for me was shown well just then as in the lift they equiped their grenade guns, blitz packers and machine guns
while I carried one measly rifle. As I checked it over it didn't surprise me that I only had five bullets...