Oddworld Forums > Zulag Two > Non-Oddworld Gaming

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12-09-2006, 03:19 AM
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Battlefeild 2142

Does anyone have this game and play it on multiplayer?
If you do tell me what your name is we could play against the enemy or kill each other B-)

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12-09-2006, 06:16 AM
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I played the demo and from what I've heard the real game is even worse then BF2 in it's early days. They were making a hot fix for it when it wasn't even released yet. From what I read on forums it still has loads and loads of bugs and stuff so I'll stick to BF2 untill they fix that. Then I might give it a try.

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12-12-2006, 06:39 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I have it I just need to actually not be lazy and install it finally because my neighbors in the dorm play it and it seems pretty sweet.
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12-13-2006, 09:12 AM
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Outlaw Sniper
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it is pretty sweet and from what i have played there are few bugs but its not hugely buggy

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12-20-2006, 04:33 PM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
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A guy in my class at college totally loves it, it's all he plays these days so it must be good. I've seen him play it and it does look pretty good. I think his name is BigDog, something like that.

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