... I made my first oddworld-christmas-comic.
It really took long to do a 20-pictures-comic. Actually, it's going to be three comic strips. Maybe there will be more in future but officially, three ones.
Well, the funny part of it was to take a hand in that strange story by me as a own character
. Yes, I drew myself as a cartoon, wearing my favorite cap and my favorite jacket.
It's really funny to get oneself in a story and beeing annoying there... you'll see it!
So, here's the first comic strip. I know, the first picture isn't by me, I was just too lazy to draw that...! But the other coming 19 ones are by me. I swear!
Well, I hope, you'll enjoy it. It's the beginning of an odd story:
Oddworld Christmas - Part 1
So what was the mistletoe-rule again?
...OH, SH*T!!!
To be continued...