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08-31-2006, 01:32 PM
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Oddworld Questions and Answers Vα

This is, in fact, the second time I’ve had to create the fifth incarnation of the Questions and Answers thread (for the curious, that’s a Roman numeral 5 followed by a minuscule Greek alpha). So thank you everyone who has contributed to that necessity. I hope you know how appreciative I am.

Here is where you post the Oddworld‐related queries that you don't expect will raise a discussion of their own. I will iterate the importance of first consulting The Unofficial Oddworld FAQ, which answers many frequently‐asked questions.

For reference, here are the past incarnations:
Oddworld Questions and Answers
Oddworld Questions and Answers 2
Oddworld Questions and Answers III
Oddworld Questions and Answers IV

As of version four, the Q&A thread has also been used for Picture Requests. This separate series of threads was stopped when The Oddworld Graphics Gallery (TOGG) opened, which hosts practically every Oddworld image ever released (excepting website graphics, magazine scans and photographs). Also available are three threads specialising in custom screenshots of Oddworld games:
Abe’s Oddysee screen captures ~ Stranger’s Maid
Abe’s Exoddus screen captures ~ dripik_12
Munch’s Oddysee screen captures ~ Stranger’s Maid
Stranger’s Wrath screen captures ~ Stranger’s Maid.

Although many of the picture links will be broken, it has become a tradition to list all the past Picture Request threads. So here they are:
Picture Request
Picture Request Second Edition
Picture Request № III
Picture Request № 4
Picture Request Fifth Edition
Picture Request Number IV
Picture Request № Se7en
Picture Request Version 8·0

Whew! That’s it…

p.s. Except to add a contents feature, which is a feature that always would have benefited these long threads like Q&A and WDYLL.
  1. Shouldn’t this be Vβ, not Vα?
  2. What is ‘Munch: The Heart’?
  3. Why are there Slogs on Stranger’s Wrath promotional images?
  4. What does the Glukkon in the opening sequence of Abe’s Oddysee say?
  5. Are Vykkers asexual?
  6. Are Interns also self‐impregnating/related to Vykkers?
  7. Can Glukkons walk in any other way than on their hands?
  8. Do Kintos have beaks?
  9. What do we know about Wolvarks?
  10. How many games are OWI contracted to make for Xbox?
  11. What happened to ‘Martin’s Sculpture Gallery’?
  12. Why did Microsoft drop Oddworld?
  13. What do we know about Nod?
  14. Are Meech Munchies salami rolls?
  15. Why did the Vykkers choose Munch to collect critters?
  16. In Munch’s Oddysee, what do the NPCs mutter to each other?
  17. In the Oddworld mythos, who writes the LED screens?
  18. Over what time frame does Munch’s Oddysee take place?
  19. Why do Slogs attack Sligs in Munch’s Oddysee?
  20. What are the different types of Outlaw?
  21. Are there Paramites in RuptureFarms’ stockyards?
  22. What part of Oddworld are Sligs native to?
  23. Is there a map of Oddworld? (leading to the story of Buddy’s Oddworld Map)
  24. How did Sekto survive the desctruction of his dam?
  25. Why weren’t Flying Sligs in Munch’s Oddysee?
  26. Are OWI planning to make a director’s cut of Munch’s Oddysee?
  27. Does Stranger’s Wrath take place in Mudos?
  28. Does anyone know the words to Michael Bross’s ‘Munch Remix’?
  29. Does Alf have any distinctive physical traits?
  30. What rôle does Munch’s Moon play in the history of Oddworld?
  31. What were the Habitales and Fearietales going to be?
  32. What is ‘melted candle syndrome’?
  33. What is Stranger’s real name?
  34. Do Sligs have an anus? (leading to discussion on Sligs’ tails, legs, and fingers, then to their evolutionary origin)
  35. Why didn’t ball cars reappear after AO?
  36. Were Glukkons once tree‐dwelling?
  37. How did Glukkons lose their legs?
  38. What is the etymology of the word ‘Glukkon’?
  39. Why did Blisterz and Boilz break up?
  40. Who are the bad guys on Oddworld?
  41. Why do Abe and Big Face have almost identical voices? (leading to discussion on loincloths)
  42. Is Abe’s friend in MO Alf?
  43. Who do the industrialists sell their products to?
  44. Where did Paramites come from?
  45. What’s the purpose of the ‘Abe’s Moon&#8217 FMV?
  46. Why do Slogs have a frill?
  47. Why are Glukkons ugly?
  48. How does Oddworld’s size affect its time?
  49. How did Oddworld develop fluency in the English language?
  50. How do Sligs’ pants operate?
  51. Did Toast survive the good ending to AO?
  52. How will a future AO film affect the 1997 AO game?
  53. Are there any references to the Quintology in SW?
  54. How many suns and moons does Oddworld have?
  55. Are OWI still making games?
  56. Where can I find Paul O’Connor’s designer diaries?
  57. What is the exchange rate between Moolah and USD?
  58. Where does the Raisin originate from?
  59. Does anyone know Lorne Lanning’s birthday?
  60. Does anybody else think this guy looks like Stranger?
  61. How old do Steefs get?
  62. Who lit the camp fires in the Stockyards?
  63. When will the next OWI‐designed game be released?
  64. Are Squeek’s Oddysee, Hand of Odd and SligStorm still planned?
  65. Is Abe’s ponytail implanted or natural?
  66. Where does the idea that Mudokons evolved from birds come from?
  67. What were the Grubbs doing to the fish they’d caught in the SW opening sequence?
  68. Do Clakkers trade with the Magog Cartel?
  69. Do Mudokons have any businesses?
  70. Where was New Yolk City mentioned?
  71. Is Molluck a Glockstar or a Big Cheese?
  72. How tall are Meeches?
  73. What were Meech Munchies like?
  74. How do you know Meeches live in packs? (leading to discussion on Meech, Paramite and Scrab feeding)
  75. Is this personal ad for Buddy?
  76. Is there a Sea Rex video anywhere?
  77. Why do Mudokons suddenly have teeth in Munch’s Oddysee?
  78. Did Abe know about SoulStorm Brew before Abe’s Exoddus?
  79. What’s a Mug?
  80. What kind of body did the Guardian have?
  81. Are those cities behind RuptureFarms and SoulStorm Brewery?
  82. Is Mudos politically subdivided?
  83. What are the MameGame Generators?
  84. Why can’t I play AE on my Windows XP laptop?
  85. Why doesn’t Abe blow up the Slogs he possesses in Sloghut 2813?
  86. Were there plans to have more Paramites and Scrabs in Munch’s Oddysee?
  87. Were Fuzzles the only familiar species in Stranger’s Wrath?
  88. Who’s the president of FeeCo Depot?
  89. What is the backstory of Big Bro Sligs?
  90. Who exclaims ‘I hate that Abe guy!’ at the end of Abe’s Exoddus?

Last edited by Wil; 01-18-2007 at 12:54 PM..
08-31-2006, 07:06 PM
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Shouldn't it be β (beta), seeing as this is the second incarnation?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

08-31-2006, 08:17 PM
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Only if the first was specified as alpha, which it wasn't. If the first last incarnation was v5·0, this is v5·1.

Besides, Roman numberal five—minuscule Greek beta might get confused for vB.

09-02-2006, 01:29 PM
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Could someone explain what the Munch The Heart thing is on togg?

Last edited by Bonedust; 09-02-2006 at 01:52 PM..
09-02-2006, 01:52 PM
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Perhaps you could provide a link to the image in question?

09-02-2006, 01:53 PM
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Last edited by Wil; 11-05-2006 at 09:18 AM..
09-02-2006, 05:42 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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Maybe it's a concept art for what the Oddworld logo design of MO would look like.

I have a question. In SW, the overview look in the Oddworld website, has Slogs in them. Why is this? Or is this an unsolved mystery?

09-02-2006, 08:00 PM
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Each section of the AoOI:tFTY book had a section on the heart behind the character and the game. That's the chapter title page, so to speak.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-03-2006, 01:58 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
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Wha Zee Fuh is happening with the Oddworld movie? It seems to me that its dead in the water. Is this the right place to put this question, or is this only for thing related to the Mudos Mythos?
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

09-03-2006, 02:16 AM
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Nah, this is the right place.

The only answer is "We don't know". It's not dead, otherwise oddworld.com wouldn't have a movie-themed coverpage. Beyond that, we know naught.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-04-2006, 12:37 PM
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In the first scene of AO does the Gluckon say o my odd or o my god?
also are vykers asexual?
09-04-2006, 02:43 PM
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I believe he had said 'Oh my Odd!' instead. But these kind of things are only heard as gibberish at first, unfortunently.

And Vykkers are asexual, they mate with themselves. That's why they don't where pants. :P

09-04-2006, 06:03 PM
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Vykkers are not asexual; they're almost the complete opposite. They are hermaphroditic, which means they each have male and female reproductive organs (hence the self-impregnation).

09-05-2006, 12:52 PM
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Thanks max i was reading an RPG and someone choose a vykker as their character and said they were asexual
09-05-2006, 03:41 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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But isn't asexuality a type of hermaphroditic? I mean, I have a dictionary, and it says:

Asexual 1. Not sexual. 2. Having no sex or no sexual organs 3. Independent of of sexual processes.
So wouldn't Vykkers fall into the catergory of asexual as well, to defination #3?

Edit: I was the one that said Vykkers being asexual.

09-05-2006, 06:27 PM
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Nope, because a sexual process still occurs. It just doesn't need a seperate male and female.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-05-2006, 06:51 PM
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Yes—don’t equate ‘sexual’ with ‘sexual intercourse’.

It can lead to awkward places…

09-05-2006, 08:36 PM
ziggy's Avatar
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Vykkers are not asexual; they're almost the complete opposite. They are hermaphroditic, which means they each have male and female reproductive organs (hence the self-impregnation).
knowing that makes vykkers even creepier than I thought they were.
09-06-2006, 04:44 PM
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But I just said that. The thrid definition is explaining other wise, by saying that asexual could mean to be 'independent of sexual processes'. I put sexual intercourse under that catergory. Or do they have the ability pregentate each other?

09-06-2006, 11:44 PM
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they still have to be two to have a child if that's what you want to know

PS:yuk a pregnant vykker would look horrible
PPS: could this be one?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	RAMO0063.jpg
Views:	857
Size:	10.0 
ID:	5525  

09-07-2006, 12:30 AM
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That's what I thought at first, but ow.com is quite clear that they are self-impregnating. Perhaps they can go either way - have partners like Humphrey and Irwin (in which sex [gender sex, not intercourse sex] is irrelevant) or, if they can't get a mate, impregnate themselves to perpetuate the species.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

09-07-2006, 10:17 AM
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If they impregnated themselves, it would be the saem genes, so evolution or adaptation could not occur. It may do it to boost numbers in more harsh conditions. But mating between two seperate individuals is much more beneficial for a species. Slugs have both male and female organs, but still need to get together.
The "Mucnh the heart" image was used as a chapter in The Official oddworld Art book, explaining how Munch was designed wtih large eyes and under a predicment to make Munch appealing to people for those reasons.
09-07-2006, 10:52 AM
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If they impregnated themselves, it would be the saem genes, so evolution or adaptation could not occur.
Not strictly true. There are mutations and other processes that occur during meiosis that will result in new gene sequences, but you raise a valid point. I think the matter has close ties with the obsession Vykkers have with prolonging their own lives. That’s more important to them than the preservation of their species as a whole.

…asexual could mean to be 'independent of sexual processes'. I put sexual intercourse under that catergory.
You might do just that, but then you would be at odds with the English and scientific languages.

09-07-2006, 01:33 PM
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Are Interns the same way since they are a subordant species of Vykkers?
09-08-2006, 06:25 AM
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There was a very small sketch in the Art Book of an Intern metamorphosizing into a Vykker, but I think that mythos has been dropped. They are separate species that both happen to be incredibly sadistic.
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

09-08-2006, 09:59 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Interns: 2 arms, 2 legs. Odd/no jaw.
Vykkers: 4 arms, 3 legs. 'Normal' jaw.
Different species and familys totally. Possible slight convergent evolution.
Case closed.
09-08-2006, 12:47 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
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I think that Interns have a more sexual form of reproduction. And the females are kept in different of Vykker Labs sections, to give birth to other Interns. It might seem that way, because Interns are nearily considered slaves, and Vykkers need more Interns to accomplish seperate tasks. Also, I think that the concept art of Interns naked, is a bit of edivence of having male Inerns.

Just because Interns are related to Vykkers, doesn't mean that they evolved the same way.

09-09-2006, 02:35 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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True, true...
09-09-2006, 09:05 AM
Luskan's Avatar
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i remember hearing that executive glukkons walk on there hands, and that was just one way of the way they walk...so how else would they walk?
09-09-2006, 09:29 AM
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They can’t walk any other way, unless they can walk on their elbows.

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