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07-12-2006, 06:17 AM
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How Many Games Per Console?

Pretty simple; what consoles do you have and how many games for each?

#1 rule is no flaming about what you think of any particular console.

I only actually bought my xbox for MO but at the time there were lots of games I thought looked interesting; all but one of them (Psychonauts) either got cancelled or turned out crap (Malice, anyone?). I now have eight Xbox games - most of which I either got at reduced price or second hand. Two of them I've never bothered finishing (Blood Wake for being irritating and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time for having that ridiculously difficult fight early on where you have to fight the prince's father).

For PC I have... *counts* 25ish legally bought games and only one pirated. Which is a pretty good statistic, I think.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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07-12-2006, 06:23 AM
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PlayStation: ~30.
PlayStation 2: ~20.
Nintendo 64: ~8.
Nintendo GameCube: ~8.
Xbox: ~20.
Xbox 360: 1.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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07-12-2006, 06:29 AM
Havoc's Avatar
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The Consoles I used to have:

Gameboy: 3
SNES: ~10
N64: ~7

Consoles I currently have:

Xbox: 4

I mainly bought my Xbox because OWI announced that their future games would be on that. First game I had on it was MO and Halo. Both cool games. Then a bit later I got James Bond: Everything or Nothing and Strangers Wrath.
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07-12-2006, 06:42 AM
Lord Vulcher's Avatar
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Playstation- 60
Playstation 2- 40
PC- 2
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07-12-2006, 08:19 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I've had more games, but I do sell games rather frequently. These are the games that I will definitely be keeping:

Xbox - 15
PS2 - 4
GCN - 5
Xbox360 - 5

The latter three are still expanding, of course.
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07-12-2006, 08:38 AM
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I have no idea how many PC games I have. I have so goddamn many.

As for my Cube, I think I have around ten.

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07-13-2006, 05:34 AM
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Megadrive - 10
N64 - 20
Playstation - over 200
Playstation 2 - 30-ish
Xbox - 25
Xbox360 - 6

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07-15-2006, 02:12 AM
Mudoko_Jedi's Avatar
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you lads are spoilt, who has an X-box and a PS2 jeez pointless.

El'scrabino the best damn scrab on oddworld.
quote by marge simpson: We just saw the most amazing cammel...it was wearing a hat!!!!!

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07-15-2006, 07:28 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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you lads are spoilt, who has an X-box and a PS2 jeez pointless.
People who buy things with their own money. From a job.
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07-15-2006, 10:57 PM
Mudoko_Jedi's Avatar
Bola Blast
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Then thats OK but if your parents buy that many consoles for you then your spoilt. Sometimes I forget people here are older than me

El'scrabino the best damn scrab on oddworld.
quote by marge simpson: We just saw the most amazing cammel...it was wearing a hat!!!!!

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07-19-2006, 01:01 AM
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PC: Umm, 15 maybe? I have a crappy computer. Not much will run. All legal though.
Nintendo NES: 20 or so. And I had a cassette that had like 200 games, but I ain't counting that.
Gameboy: 6 games.

Xbox: Somewhere between 40 and 50. Yeah. All legal. I have for over 3000 Euros on original Xbox stuff...

Xbox 360: 5, and a bunch of XBL Arcade games.

Heh, I went totally overboard with the Xbox games though...

Godless and Vulcher. Those games legal? lol
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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07-20-2006, 11:10 PM
Mudoko_Jedi's Avatar
Bola Blast
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I have no illegal xbox games.

El'scrabino the best damn scrab on oddworld.
quote by marge simpson: We just saw the most amazing cammel...it was wearing a hat!!!!!

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07-21-2006, 04:27 AM
Nate's Avatar
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Neither do I... But what games do you have?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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07-21-2006, 03:33 PM
Daxter King's Avatar
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Then thats OK but if your parents buy that many consoles for you then your spoilt.
No,not really. Most of the kids here have 2 current generation systems, some have 3(I do).
Playstation 2:8
Xbox: over 20
I am still buiding my PS2/DS library. I have sold alot of my games.
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