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01-01-2006, 01:56 PM
sliguy101's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Dec 2004
: Minnesota
: 346
Rep Power: 20
sliguy101  (10)
Underland -RPG-

Long before Dinosaurs enhabited this land, a human alligence known as 'The Order of the Dark Eye' owned a large, desolate land with gray skies and dead trees. Neighborhoods of Crypts and poorly-made houses stalked the land, along with their capital city (Kinzilnarv) which is a large cathedral is which ghosts haunt and banshes scream. They have devoted their lives into Necromancy, Deamonology, and the battle art known as the 'Foresaken' fighting style. Alchemists made Poisons and Cursed Potions, along with Armorcrafters, Tailorers, and so on making only the most powerful and cursed armor. Everything was perfect for them, and the enitre Earth was theirs. That is, until everything went wrong.
A man by the name of Leonard Raeward had been making studies on a new goo-like substence in which seemed to hold something. He nurtured it in his lab and it had become a baby dinosaur. So he thought that this creature could help benefit their world and make it better. He had made copies of the substence and soon had made a bunch of them.
So, when Leonard showed the babies to the community, the dinos got scared and ran off. Leonard got mad and tried to chase after them, but got tired and passed out. The whole community laughed at him and made a bunch of cruel jokes about him. Mr. Raeward thought he would just have to take all the abuse once it got old.
Around two years later, the dinosaurs had become collosial, and ravaged Leronard's town. Then, it had went on a killing rampage around the world. It's final destionation was Kinzilnarv. The dinos have succeded in taking the Earth, and the Order of the Dark Eye was left with nothing.
Desperate to try to gain their power back, they had made an undergroud city with all their belongings and built theirselves a new life. But it wasn't all that good for Leonard Raeward, for after they had completed their underground city, he was executed at age forty-one.
They called their city Underland, and this is where they remain to this day, with the dinosaurs and other creatures above them. The current leader of the Order of the Dark Eye (Dare Maxwell) was making a plan to retake the Earth above, and it has been in the works for twenty years. People are memorized their spellbooks, and sharpening their blades, for their time is soon coming.

OK, so that's the story, now onto the RPG itself.

-You may have up to three characters-
(That is right. The rules in Underland say that you can have up to three characters. Nothing else much to say about it)

-Five classes to choose from-
(The classes are as followed

-Devoted to Battle/Combat
-Can use many weapons
-Wears heavy armor

-Devoted to Dark Magic/Demonology
-Has an Imp pet
-Summons Undead (at higher level)

-Devoted to Anchient Holy magic
-Can use powerful buffs
-Can heal him/herself and other people

-Devoted to fighting with various elements
-Can enchant weapons with fire, ice, etc.
-Moderately good in combat

-Devoted to a life of Crime and Stealth
-Can stealth and sneak up on enemies
-Deals a lot of damage in a matter of seconds

Try to choose a class that fits you, and play the class right, Example: Don't make a Prophet and have him/her trying to grab a sword and some mail armor and start trying to become a warrior. Got it?)


When you make a character, you must print down this info:

Name: (Choose the name of your character. First and Last name of him/her)

Gender: (Male or Female?)

Age: (Must be from 18-100)

Class: (Choose his/her class. The classes are right above this)

Weapon: (What is your character welding as a weapon?)

Clothes: (What is your character wearing?)

Personality: (Is your character mean, nice, shy, etc.)

Bio: (Tell us the story of your character)

NOTE: If you have a Necromancer, you must make a profile for your Imp minion.


Name-(the Imp's name)

Color(s)-(what color is the Imp? Or you could have him have various colors on him)


OK, now for the rules of the RPG:

/No controling other people's characters
/No Sexual Content in the RPG
/Swearing is allowed, just not the Explosive Swear like: F--K YOU B--CH I'M GOANNA F--K YOU UP
/Try to please have fun

When typing up a part of the story, these are the rules

If the Character is saying something, do: "..."
Character: "Someday we'll have our revenge."

If the Character is thinking something, do (..)
Character: (Maybe I'll be rich someday.)

If the Character is doing something, do -..-
-Character trips over a rock-


-Character trips over a rock-
Character: "Ouch! That really hurt!"
-Character got up and saw a ghost-
Character: (Ok, now I'm scared.)


It is OK to interact with other characters, just try not to make fun of them.


-ABA punches BAB-
-BAB cries and runs away-

And remember, you can put in you other characters as you go along.

(NOTE: Don't ask about the Substence and the Dinosaurs. Just a lil' something I made up)

OK, let the RPG begin! And this is my first character!

Name: Max Raeward

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Class: Bishop

Clothes: A Blue Woolen robe with Black Linen boots and White Silk Gloves.

Weapon: Leonard's Old Blessid Mace

Pesonallity: Shy and Quiet. Other people don't like him because Leonard Raeward was his father.

Bio: Max Raeward was born when his father was still married. When Max was old enough, Leonard taught him the Holy arts and he became a very young Bishop. When Max was fourteen, his mother was angry at Leonard for not spending time with her and left him. Max stayed with his father and watched him do work in his lab. Once we had let the dinosaurs escape, he got mad at his father because the kids at his school were teasing him more than the adults to Leonard. After the destruction of the Earth, he found his Mother, and they lived in the Underland not too far from where Leonard got executed. To this day, Max still lives with his old mother and nurtures her.
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01-02-2006, 04:32 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Sounds interesting, I'll give it a go.

Name: Elfair Ivadachi
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Class: Shadist
Weapon: Two long knives
Clothes: Black robe and often a scarf wrapped around her head when in the city. When in her home or hunting, removes the scarf and wears a green/grey cloak.
Personality: Secretive, rarely talks with other people unless it's to distract them while she relieves them of their valuables. Only trusts a person when she can see and hear them. However, she is very fond of the human race and is very determined to help it rise, if only to rob it dry afterwards.
Bio: Being raised in a street gang is no easy life. Being kicked out of said street gang at the age of 11 because the only person interested in keeping you in mysteriously disappears is no bonus. After achieving both these goals, Elfair was left on her own where she half begged, half pick-pocketed her way to living. by the age of 18 she would of been a qualified thief, had thievery offered a qualification. Anyway, she was good at it. Unfortuantly, good thieves are classed as a problem and when the local law enforcement came looking for her she was forced to run out of the city and hide on the surface where, after a few weeks of hiding from all the dinosaurs she realised she wasn't likely to be followed up here and headed back down below to Underland. Here was was promptly captured and taken in front of whatever passed as a judge back then, who she brought off by giving large amounts of information about the dinosaurs that she'd worked out on the surface. Afterwards she realised she could keep herself immune to the law if she kept supplying information about the dinosaurs to the people who wanted to know it and soon moved onto the surface to be closer to the creatures, hiding out near the city entrance, going inside for food and money and to pass on information, and otherwise living outside, sometimes hunting the small dinosaurs for food.

How's that? Sorry, i've been reading to much Terry Pratchett recently.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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01-02-2006, 07:51 AM
sliguy101's Avatar
Howler Punk
: Dec 2004
: Minnesota
: 346
Rep Power: 20
sliguy101  (10)

Now, if we can only get, maybe, around four more ppl we could start.
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