Okay so I had this thought right? I went up to one of my friends next to me and asked him: "If you were offered some old games along with a NES what would you do?" His answer shocked me. He started rambling along on how bad the graphics are, how there's no blood, and the music sucks ass. It's.....It's just sad to see so many people absorbed by all the Halo 2 and GTA stuff when they don't appreciate the systems that started it all.
I actually kind of agree with your friend, except for the whole blood part. Meh.
There were no real stories, just mindless action.
Just to let you know I thought the old games were better IMO. >_>. What are your thoughts abput some brainless overly modern gamers of today? I don't mean like if you say the games like Halo 2 or GTA were awesome but i'm talking about my example above. Any opinions?
I don't get what you mean by overly modern, and in my opinion, saving the world from a group of jihad-ing aliens is much less brainless than jumping over barrels.
Anywaez, I appreciate the systems that started it all in the sense that they started it all, but not really in any other way. Games have gotten progressively better since then, not only in terms of graphics and sound, but in terms of gameplay, storytelling, and character development.