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11-26-2005, 09:27 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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Mad The worst game you ever played.

This is a topic about where you share about a game that you played that was so HORRIBLE it should never even exist in someone's mind. Well you can tone that part there down a bit but still! Now the worst game I hav ever played is...oddworld:AE (not really .) Okay okay it's the first twoisted metal game. Now I know that perty graphics never existed back then but it was so choppy you could barely see anything! The controls were messed up IMO and you can never see where you're driving! IT creates confusion and before you know it you die. I hated that game so much. (NO offense to TM players out there though). What is your worst game?
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11-26-2005, 09:31 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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Oh, Twisted Metal was hours of fun.

I particularly hated Enter the Matrix. It just sucked.

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11-26-2005, 09:40 AM
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Hmmm...outta my entire stockpile of games that most of them I don't own, there's a lot. Like fusion frenzy. I thought it was a cool game at first, then it turned out horrible. The nascar games, ugh I hate them...Madden, no likey sport games...That's pretty much it, and I'd include darkwatch, 'cause it was interestin' an' all, but it was too short, and...well, I don't like short games. That's all. Oh! Plus, the online play is annoying. You have to hold down the directional pad just to talk. It sucks...
The Stranger's girl

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Last edited by Dark Elite_H2; 11-26-2005 at 09:46 AM..
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11-26-2005, 09:48 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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I don't know name the of the game, but it was on a PSone console. A very simple game, with very poor graphics, with a black background and simple wires and shapes, no shading, just brightly coloured outlines. It's basicly (very basic) a triangle or square , and you control a little triangle which circles around the shape going in 2D directions, and you have to shoot these other shapes coming from the centre of the screen. The game was 2D, and very straight forward, only concetrating on one screen.
The front cover looked miles better, I don't think anyone has heard of it. The most cheapest game I've seen on Playstation 1.

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11-26-2005, 11:32 AM
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I think that games are the worst when you see they have potential.

So whilst Azurik was a crappy game, I don't hate it because I never expected anything better.

On the other hand, I hated Prince of Persia: Sands of Time because it should have been better. The graphics and the stunts were amazing but the fights were dull and at times had an ridiculous learning curve. I gave up quite early because of that fight in the ballroom with the Prince's Father which is impossible to beat.

Another one which should have been better is Evil Twin, which had an interesting plot, great production design and a lot of good ideas but the controls were shot to buggery, the level geometry was a mess (whilst the textures placed on them were great) and some of the levels were impossible to beat without cheating.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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11-26-2005, 11:44 AM
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Voodoo Vince had a good concept and soundtrack to accompany it, but it was let down by repetetive levels and voodoo powers. The voodoo things were a gimmick.

But a truely bad game was Ultimate Saga (Unlimited?), a very early Square Enix (not Square) release. Me and my friend purchased it only to find it was a board game with Final Fantasy style battles, and the battles were monotonus and vexing.

I have arranged all this just to have a word with you, Bill. I am your case officer.

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11-26-2005, 11:46 AM
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Alter Ego was Stupid in my case. It was so hard to beat, and had a dumb plot.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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11-26-2005, 11:50 AM
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I quite liked Voodoo Vince. Yes, some of the levels were crap (particularly towards the end) but others were great and I thought the game was damn funny, on the whole. Especially the voodoo powers.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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11-26-2005, 11:58 AM
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I wasn't saying Voodoo Vince was truely bad, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. Like, the powers, they just seemed to be thrown in there for the hell of it.

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12-02-2005, 01:10 AM
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Oh, Twisted Metal was hours of fun.

I particularly hated Enter the Matrix. It just sucked.
Oh my god! It wasn't that bad!!!
Stop riding the bandwagon!
There are a million worse games out there.
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12-02-2005, 05:18 AM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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The TNBC game.

For one, it was developed by Capcom, which makes the characters yell out their attacks before doing them. COMPLETELY stupid concept.

And it even SEEMED like a Capcom game. It didn't look like Tim Burton was behind the helm for this one at all.

Then, there was the fact that it was a MUSICAL. The music was annoying as hell, especially since I'm trying to beat the crap out of someone.

The voice work itself was atrocious, the only worthwhile voice was Tress Macneille (and she's a pro at this, so it's just common sense that she would do well).

The Soul Robber thing looked like a sex toy of some kind.

But of course, this little Stikk was never really a fan of TNBC. This just seemed like fanservice, an image of Jack up on the screen for squeaky little fangirls to masturbate to, via the vibrate option on the controller.

That is the WORST game I've played recently.

I wasn't saying Voodoo Vince was truely bad, but it wasn't as great as it could have been. Like, the powers, they just seemed to be thrown in there for the hell of it.
Yeah, not to mention the voices were atrocious.

What? Voice acting ius a crucial part of any game or production, and extremely important to me.

Yes, that's even something Oddworld could stand to work on, but I've bitched about that before.

Last edited by Dipstikk; 12-02-2005 at 05:21 AM..
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12-02-2005, 11:51 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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Hmmmm, probably any strategy game wihich doesn't require any strategy at all, like ones where you just storm the place with hundreds of troops.

But I do not hate any games in particular, I only buy gfames which look good to me, and the output is satisfyibng most of the time.

What about games that have been called yterrible when it hardly matches your opinion, like Lord of the rings: The Third Age. I for one thought that was a great game with beautiful graphics and a nice final fantasy like fighting style. And the storyline was pretty good, manging to weave the main fellowship's story line into the games fellowship. This is why Xplay sucks 70% of the time, shitheads. I didn't like the final battle though. It was stupid and easy.

Last edited by used:); 12-02-2005 at 11:59 AM..
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12-02-2005, 11:58 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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Oh my god! It wasn't that bad!!!
Stop riding the bandwagon!
There are a million worse games out there.
Maybe it's because that was the first time I had to buy a graphics card to run a game, and then I was let down when it wasn't good. Who knows?

Also, Spiderman 2 for the PC sucked.

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12-02-2005, 12:37 PM
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I don't play bad games, and if I do, I stop soon enough to forget about them after just days.

Though I must say that LOTR RTS based on the Warcraft engine was quite dire.
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12-02-2005, 12:45 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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The TNBC game.
I know exactly what you mean. I was severely disappointed. They didn't even get the voices close to the movie version.

The Harry Potter games. I mean, seriously. Where the Hell are they getting their stuff from? It's not in the book OR the movies. They're obviously making crap up as they go along.

Area 51: I've had problems with my left and right since I played this.

Silent Hill 4: I only liked this for the story. It just lost the Silent Hill feel to it. The monsters sucked, the weapons sucked (a paper-cutting knife?!), and the the puzzles were ultimately ridiculous. The endings were horrble. Akira Yamaoka becomes producer and the whole series goes up in flames. Goddamn idiot wasn't satisfied with being music director. Noooooo, he had to ruin the damn series. Bitch....

Doom 3: I was sorely disappointed with this game. I've heard so much about it, and waited MONTHS for it to be in at the rental store. I hated it. The graphics sucked, the controls sucked, the story sucked. They spent all their time on the lighting, for God's sake! .|.. <----Flip'D!

Munch's Oddysee: It could've been so much more. Damn time restrictions.....

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12-02-2005, 12:55 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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The Harry Potter games. I mean, seriously. Where the Hell are they getting their stuff from? It's not in the book OR the movies. They're obviously making crap up as they go along.
exactly. Although they have filled in where the movies left out (nerd alert), in the second game (chamber of secrets) Flitwick informed the students of the story of the Chamber of Secrets, not mcgonnigal. And not toi mention Peeves has been featured in all of the games, something that the movies have left in the dust. However, the latest one is terrible (so I have heard) you just keep jumping to the next level, so you don't get to explore the grounds or the castle at all, which was one of the fun aspects of the games. It does have the best graphics so far in ther series. But what pissed me off the is how they made up some stupid incantation for a water spell when one is mentioned right in the sixth book!

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12-03-2005, 07:09 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I don't play bad games, and if I do, I stop soon enough to forget about them after just days.
I'm the same way.

The last "bad" game that I can remember playing was Far Cry: Instincts. What a bland game... the multiplayer put me to sleep. I can't believe it got such high scores.
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12-06-2005, 04:33 AM
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The worst game I ever played must have been Tunnel B1. What was it on? I had no idea what was going on, other than a whole load of shooting and explosions. Utter cack.

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12-06-2005, 04:45 AM
Wolfchaser's Avatar
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You'll all get mad, but mine was some Final Fantasy game. I just hated it. I just do't like fantasy games. After that, I gave up Square Enix for good. I found an old game buried in my Pile-O-Crap that was called Mushusi or something; I don't remember getting it. Best target practice ever.
I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me!!
Why didn't you believe me??!!

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12-06-2005, 05:44 AM
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Gran Turismo 3. I hate that game more than crappin' pants.

My bowels hurt.

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12-06-2005, 09:47 AM
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It's embarrassing some of the games I've played. My worst would have to be either a Big's Life for PS1 (*cringe*) or nightcaster, for Xbox (*Wince*). Bug's Life is a boring and repetitive kiddie's game, and Nightcaster is just a pure b*llocks excuse for a 'game'. Running around in circles pressing one button and wonderig what the heck you have to do is hardly a game. I just wish I'd seen a review of it before I bought it. Still, I took it back shortly after.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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12-06-2005, 01:56 PM
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For those who said Doom 3, you'll hate Ressurection Of Evil. I purchased it stupidly, being the little Doom fanboy that I am, but Raven have managed to ruin something good. Nice going, asscacks.

(I completely forgot about the word 'cack', thank you Max. )

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12-07-2005, 08:54 AM
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Worst gameon:SNES:Lawnmower Man.It was awfully hard and I decided to never play this again.

Grand Turismo:The only thing I'd like to do with this game would be driving on it with a racing car.

Halo:Each time I play multiplayer,there's always some fighting and shouting because some assholes always say "Lucky Guy" each time you score a kill.And the single-player campaign's not fun at all.Damn,I hate this game!

And Farcry and Doom 3 were good;except that the stupid,unskippable intro in Farcry just makes me shit each time I play and the fact that I didn't found how to use my custom maps in multiplayer.
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12-07-2005, 06:53 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Bug's Life
*shakes head*

My Mom got that game for my little sister for the N64 off amazon.com
Terrible Terrible Terrible
I'm thinking why my mom would torture us all for nearly ten minutes was...
#1 It was a very cheap game...paying 10 dollars brand new. It's alsmost as if the developers knew it would suck
#2 The "it's based off a good movie...it has to be good game" mindset
#3 And since there always has to be a third thing...her severe uneducation of the fine art of video game selection.

Next I would have to say Star Wars Super Bombad Racing.

After popping in the disc, the second I saw the Lucas Learning Logo with small child laughter in the background, I knew I was in trouble. Okay...this game is a cart racer set in the Star Wars universe. The carts go what feels like 10 miles top speed...20 on boosts. I played two tracks and that was it. This was actually the only new game I was able to return to the store and they accepted it.


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12-08-2005, 07:32 PM
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Halo:Each time I play multiplayer,there's always some fighting and shouting because some assholes always say "Lucky Guy" each time you score a kill.And the single-player campaign's not fun at all.Damn,I hate this game!

Far Cry was shit. Dark Fry need not exist, for it was the most monotonous mediocre piece of crap ever shat into the FPS genre. Except for perhaps Pariah, that was utter crapulance.


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12-20-2005, 10:46 AM
Icarus's Avatar
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the worst game i have ever played was probably this spice girls game on the PS1. it was my sister's and it was...


2)Had no plot


4)I suppose because it was a womans game

5)Had no instructions

Look for this in a game it can help u
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01-10-2006, 05:38 PM
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I'd have to agree with SM. Far Cry was a bag of turds. The five minute intro made me want to hang myself, you lost armor faster than a rabbit multiplies, and the map maker was nothing special. I got rid of it the day I recieved it.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

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01-10-2006, 11:14 PM
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I played/loved thay Spice Girls game for like, 12 minutes. It was fun for the very short period of time that I could watch that black guy with an afro teach me dance moves.

That Far Cry guys arm veins makes my phallus become striken with a momentous reducing syndrome. Veins are bad, shucks to carrying blood.

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01-11-2006, 01:52 AM
$andy Mudukon's Avatar
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Counter Strike. NOW purchasing this, before knowing that it was made for xbox live, and I didn't have that yet, was stupid. The AI is stupid. I could take out a game by myself. If you do get caught in the middle of fire, two shots dead. And yet, online it doesn't change much, except you have retards hollering down your ear, and you die no matter what, anyway. I think I had 25 deaths an one kill...
Vous faites mes mamelons tristes. :<
(I don't care if I don't have a banner with my name in it. That's just obnoxious. OGM U R SO STERETIPIKAL!!

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01-11-2006, 02:26 AM
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Bad games, huh? Well have ya guys ever heard of Vib Ribbon bfor? don't play the game it REALLY SUCKS... at least I think it did and still does

For those who don't know; the game is based on music rythms and you play as a rabbit at first, he can jump, roll and other related stuff. If you manage to controll the rythms without taking damage then the rabbit will "turn" into a king or queen (something in that style perhaps). but if ya take damage only once after turning in to king or queen whatsoever, then you get back to the rabbit again.

Or else if ya jus' miss the rythms then yer "status will sink, Rabbit-mouse-frog-end...

Here's tha link: http://www.vib-ribbon.com/

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