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05-11-2005, 10:10 AM
cherie's Avatar
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who else here has played the awesome game " psychonauts" ? if none of you have played it you should. It's a great game ( espicely for those who like to collect stuff in games)
for every big mouth there is often a bigger foot.

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05-11-2005, 10:13 AM
Howler Punk
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soulstice  (10)

No idea at all...
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05-11-2005, 12:25 PM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
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Yes, I was going to make this topic, but I'm such a lazy ass. One of the best games I have ever played. Definitely the best game I've played for the Xbox.

Now where's Nepharski?
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05-11-2005, 01:29 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I wish I had more money.

I would buy that thing in a heartbeat. I love the style.
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05-11-2005, 01:41 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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Yes, I was going to make this topic, but I'm such a lazy ass. One of the best games I have ever played. Definitely the best game I've played for the Xbox.

Now where's Nepharski?
You and me both, it would seem.

"Well, I've reviewed your charts, and I'm afraid we're going to have to remove that brain...strap it, into an armored battle tank...and make it shoot down innocent civilians with it's concentrated psychic death beam!!! The good news is, your insurance will cover the whole thing."

PsychoNauts is, in brief...a masterpiece. Nothing short of genius. How would one desribe it? Imagine a Tim Burton-esque world inwhich Sigmund Frued and Monty Python melded together.

All sensationalism aside, though, it's a great game. I don't want to spoil the plot or anything, but Double Fine has succeed at creating, "depth," in characters. You'll feel for the cast as you unlock their pasts and memories...even one of the villians will pull on your heartstrings.

The only excuse not to by this game is...wait, there isn't any.

Aaaaaand, that's my product placement for the day.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-11-2005, 02:19 PM
Blisterz Booty's Avatar
Blisterz Booty
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I wanted to buy the game, at least rent it, but anyone know how long it is?

I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

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05-11-2005, 02:26 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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I wanted to buy the game, at least rent it, but anyone know how long it is?
I'm actually near the end, myself. It's main flaw could be that it is somewhat overly short. Personally, I judge games by quality over quanity, so...
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-11-2005, 02:56 PM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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I didn't know it had come out yet. Dear god, Psychonauts is out and I don't own it!

Every image, movie clip, website, and review I have seen from/about/of it makes it look absolutely incredible. I MUST have it. Time to start saving up some dough.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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05-11-2005, 03:36 PM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
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Al the Glukkon  (10)

The ending's was pretty good, but I hate to collect those damn figments. I can never seem to find them!
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05-11-2005, 03:52 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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The ending's was pretty good, but I hate to collect those damn figments. I can never seem to find them!
Yeah...I like going back and finding the memory vaults, though. Some of them made me tear up inside (Poor Oleander ).

I'm at the beginning of, "Meat Circus."
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-11-2005, 05:52 PM
Dino's Avatar
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( espicely for those who like to collect stuff in games)
By this I presume you mean item-based RPGs, am I correct?

I've seen and played plenty of these games in the past but none have really "done it" for me... Diablo II came the closest to the kind of thing I wanted, but it wasn't really good enough.
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05-11-2005, 05:56 PM
sligster's Avatar
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By this I presume you mean item-based RPGs, am I correct?

I've seen and played plenty of these games in the past but none have really "done it" for me... Diablo II came the closest to the kind of thing I wanted, but it wasn't really good enough.
No, like Crash Bandicoot-item-collecting... though not as repetative as Crash
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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05-11-2005, 07:19 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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There is some manditory collecting, but yes, it's more like Crash Bandicoot, as opposed to the Knuckles' levels in Sonic Adventure (Some of which were pure and unleaded evil, I might add).
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-11-2005, 11:18 PM
Leto's Avatar
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I remeber seeing it on the first Oddworld coverage show thing... It looked (from a design standpoint) rather A Nightmare Before Christmas-esque. And I like that. I say it warrants a hire...

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05-12-2005, 07:01 AM
Coolmanbizkit's Avatar
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I didn't know it had come out yet. Dear god, Psychonauts is out and I don't own it!

Every image, movie clip, website, and review I have seen from/about/of it makes it look absolutely incredible. I MUST have it. Time to start saving up some dough.
I didnt know it was out either. Must save up my money now
Credit goes to Godlesswanderer for making this sig

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05-12-2005, 01:24 PM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
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Yeah...I like going back and finding the memory vaults, though. Some of them made me tear up inside (Poor Oleander ).

I'm at the beginning of, "Meat Circus."
Yeah, many of them are pretty sad, like Milla's.

I liked the Milkman Conspiracy the best though, since I'm like that sometimes.

"My milk is fortified with what the world wants, with what the world deserves,"

Now that part was creepy.
There is shadow under this red rock,
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
~T.S. Eliot The Waste Land.

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05-12-2005, 07:10 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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Yeah, many of them are pretty sad, like Milla's.

Now we know why she cares for the children so much.

BTW: do you know where Sasha Nien's second memory vault is? I only found Sasha's First Lost.

I liked the Milkman Conspiracy the best though, since I'm like that sometimes.

"My milk is fortified with what the world wants, with what the world deserves,"

Now that part was creepy.
That was definitely the funniest level. I defy anyone who doesn't laugh at the G-men.

"They got Freddy. He was a good secret agent...I mean assassin."

"Plants need to be watered, for they have no hands with which to hold glasses."

"Though I work in excrement, I deserve your respect, for I provide a valuable public service."

And of course...the Girl Scout Mafia. XD
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-14-2005, 01:15 PM
Blisterz Booty's Avatar
Blisterz Booty
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I went out and bought the game, one of the best games I have ever played. But I'm stuck at a part in the game.

SPOILER... I think...

When you meet Lili during night at the docks and she gets kidnapped by the fish, you go in the water. When I have to fight the fish though (when it sucks up the air), I can't find out what to do. Can anyone help me?

I adopted a cute lil' death fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

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05-14-2005, 02:41 PM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
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Al the Glukkon  (10)


I think the vualt is hiding on another side of the cube during one of the transformations. (forgot which though.)

Now when fighting the lungfish, break the boxes of nails when he is inhaling.
There is shadow under this red rock,
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
~T.S. Eliot The Waste Land.

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05-14-2005, 10:29 PM
Nate's Avatar
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Jeez, I'm banning myself from this thread 'cos of the proliferation of spoilers. I've played the demo but the game is not even out here yet and won't be until after I leave the country in (*counts*) 37 days.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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05-15-2005, 10:04 AM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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Your misfortune makes me snicker.

I purchased the game yesterday. By far, one of the best games I've ever played, and I'm not very far into it at all. I haven't gone into any minds yet except Oleander's, Sasha's, and Raz's (just the first time). But I'm lovin' it.

They could not have found a more perfect voice for Raz than Richard Horvitz.

General props fo tha gizzame, dawg.

EDIT: The Neighborhood part of The Milkman Conspiracy is giving me trouble. Does anyone know of any online walkthrough guide type thingies? They might not have had time to write them yet...
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

Last edited by TheRaisin; 05-15-2005 at 06:53 PM..
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05-15-2005, 09:38 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
Riot Slug
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Nepharski  (10)

Thank you Al.

Your misfortune makes me snicker.

I purchased the game yesterday. By far, one of the best games I've ever played, and I'm not very far into it at all. I haven't gone into any minds yet except Oleander's, Sasha's, and Raz's (just the first time). But I'm lovin' it.

They could not have found a more perfect voice for Raz than Richard Horvitz.

General props fo tha gizzame, dawg.

EDIT: The Neighborhood part of The Milkman Conspiracy is giving me trouble. Does anyone know of any online walkthrough guide type thingies? They might not have had time to write them yet...
None yet. What I do know, though, is that after you beat that level, all the G-men disappear, thus allowing for easier navigation. Why do they leave? You'll see.

I've beaten the game, so PM me your spoiler-ific problem (If you have one), and I'll be more than willing to lend a helping hand.

P.S. Anyone find either of the Lungfish memories? I have found the other 17, and just need those two.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-17-2005, 03:49 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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This game is simply amazing. I love it, it is a masterpiece!
...All right, all right, I am renting it, big deal...
I loved Grim Fandango, so I just *had* to play this when it came out.
Those of you who have not played this unspeakably good game...

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05-18-2005, 10:41 AM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
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I didnt know it was out either. Must save up my money now
I don't think it's out in the UK yet, at least I havn't seen it in any shops lately.

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05-18-2005, 02:19 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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This game is simply amazing. I love it, it is a masterpiece!
...All right, all right, I am renting it, big deal...
I loved Grim Fandango, so I just *had* to play this when it came out.
Those of you who have not played this unspeakably good game...
Divine intervention, most likely.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-18-2005, 05:49 PM
Al the Glukkon's Avatar
Al the Glukkon
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Sorry, can't remember where those are.(Vaguely remember one by that large prison, but I'm not sure).
There is shadow under this red rock,
And I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
~T.S. Eliot The Waste Land.

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05-22-2005, 11:45 AM
OANST's Avatar
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This game was great. I completed it with 100 percent. got every single figment in the game. Look at that woman. She has big breasts.

My bowels hurt.

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05-22-2005, 12:22 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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This game was great. I completed it with 100 percent. got every single figment in the game. Look at that woman. She has big breasts.
Nice. Very nice.

Did you find every memory and scavenger hunt item, cause that's where I need some assistance.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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05-22-2005, 01:12 PM
OANST's Avatar
Necrum Burial Grounds Moderator
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Yup. I found everything. Ask away.

My bowels hurt.

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05-22-2005, 01:41 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
Riot Slug
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Nepharski  (10)

Yup. I found everything. Ask away.
Well, a list of the location of every savenger hunting item would be nice (NOT how to get it, but where to get it). Other than that, just tell me where the two Lungfish memories are, and the emotional baggage for the Milkman Conspiracy.

Please PM. Thanks.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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