"The Steef ran for his life to the East of Mudos and it wasn’t long before he bumped into The Modokon Fortress."
There's something totally wrong with this quote because for one thing, Stranger's all the way in the western part of Mudos. The fortress is in the eastern part, so I'd like to think that it WOULD be long before he got there-Mudos is a HUGE continent, after all.
Now as for the whole chapter, I think this chapter wasn't as good as your last one, to be honest. I think this one needs a TON of editing-I mean, the story is starting to get a bit watered down, if you know what I mean. I almost can't tell what the story is anymore. For example, you could've wrote an entire chapter dealing with Stranger's journey to Western Mudos (like how Stranger began his journey and travelled to Grubb villages for stops, dodged outlaws/industrials and used his boat to get there, or something.
)-not just a sentence about it.
But like I said earlier, I'm sure this is your first time writing, so keep working at it.
I still think this story can have potential if it's looked over again and edited a few times.