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03-10-2005, 02:16 AM
souled out's Avatar
souled out
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stranger Questions/ opinion of game so far

do i need to worry about the 20K for the operation and if no why not?
Should i just buy all the permanent upgrades as soon as i can? I am being careful about spending but i dont want the gameplay to suffer because i am too careful.

ALSO are there 2 endings or any kind of karma scores to keep track of? Or is this a very linear story with an alinear plot?


This game is gorgeous, and i love the one button switch controls. The best game since ninja gaiden. Little details still drop my jaw in awe.

Gravity was a bit too slow for my tastes. Halo-ish to match the FPS parts maybe, but i think it could have been better with more sudden drops.

EVEN BETTER i give this game a 10 out of 10 for IMMMEDIATE LOADING WITH NO ADVERTISEMENTS (EXCEPT EA--> WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS GAME AT ALL; not even distribution wise since the fans knew what was coming) ODDWORLD DONT YOU DARE EVER TAKE CONTENT ADVICE FROM EA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EA vs mature content: Blood is way better for a game than blue sparks coming out of the enemey assassin you (the evil villan) are trying to murder with a railgun and grenades {Rogue Agent}. If the context is there you can just minimize gore, but dont ever dick with good gaming like that because you want a nicer rating. im not one to swear in a thread usually but **** ESRB SELF IMPOSED CENSORSHIP. I hate that its logo stains my game boxes and i hate that store clerks swear by the ratings and not the games themselves. For every game that was ever changed to meet a "broader" rating i say: ESRB; **** YOU! (again i apologize if i offended but those are the only words that will do here for this topic)

I dont trust EA. i think they are going to find a way to change future games somehow. Just keep making good games and i will keep buying them. Dont let distribution (which is less important because of internet ordering) bully you around. The product will speak for itself.

Also cast better voice talent for the main charater next time. Get someone with a deeper voice instead of tweaking the audio.

GREAT GAME; i cant wait to finish it.
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03-10-2005, 03:16 AM
Voodoo Hand's Avatar
Voodoo Hand
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1 The cash becomes less important as the game goes on.

2 There is no quarma factor in SW.
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03-10-2005, 05:22 AM
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Eh, pall... EA is the distributer of OSW... without them it wouldnt be in the stores right now O.o.

I don't trust EA either, but all we can do is wait and see what happands and hope Oddworld will not be dragged into EA hell like all those dozens other good game company's.
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03-10-2005, 11:04 AM
souled out's Avatar
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HAVOC: While oddworld was happy to have a big name distributor ; EA DID NOTHING UNIQUE OR NESSESARY to promote this game. The game would be in stores without them. It doest matter that they are the ones who did distribute it. ANY DISTRIBUTOR WOULD HAVE DONE AND WOULD HAVE COME ALONG ANYWAY becuase oddworld makes a time tested product

spiderman 3 for example will be distributed but it doesnt matter if its sony or if they sold the rights to warner for a greater %

"EA is" does not mean "EA needs to be."
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03-10-2005, 11:58 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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And that distributor was EA. Just because they're a big company doesn't mean you should rip on them so hard. They spent money and accepted the Oddworld project. They distributed the game. Get off their backs.

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03-11-2005, 05:45 PM
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souled out
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when the quality of the product is affected by a company that is not even making the game (EA) i will express great concern. At no point will i get off their back. EA has a bad reputation about altering games to meet esrb standard ratings. I want to vocalize that this is not acceptable and want to rally people against letting EA have any sway over the content at any point.
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03-11-2005, 06:39 PM
Outlaw Mortar
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Well, that didn't happen with Stranger's Wrath. As far as graphic violence, language, and all other things that would affect ESRB ratings, this is the most intense game yet. There's no reason to be concerned.

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03-11-2005, 08:08 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
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And now, it's time for Nepharski to share his thoughts on Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath.

First, the good...

Loading time is, like, zilch. You don't need me to tell you that's a good thing. Also, live ammo is freakin' brilliant!! Before, all ammo was the same, just fire at different rates from different guns, blah, blah, blah. But now, each ammo does something unique and diverse. Good for laughs and strategicly minded individuals. Graphics are drop dead beautiful, especially in the CG movies. Gameplay is well thought out and switching from 3rd to 1st is smooth. For the most part (90-some-odd % of the time), camera is tamed and under control (God bless you for that). Plot is more unique and well developed than what most expect from a game, much less a shooter. Despite the message of blood and gore on the box, such gooze is very, err, "tame." Good voice acting, if somewhat all the same kind of tone. The music is very well done for the game...Heck, the music is good enough for a entire flippin' movie!

And let me say that any game which allows you to beat up the annoying villiagers/townspeople is automatically in good standing (Unless torn down by other hinderances).

But, unfortunatly, not all is bright in the land of Odd...

I hate the Clackkerz. I despise the little buggers. The chicken jokes (New Yolk City, We house you're bad eggs, etc.) drove me insane (In a bad way). Just too cheesy and to..."Earthish," for Oddworld. Same goes for the Stunkz and Chippunkz, but I gave them a break because the rock ("What up, handsome?"). I beat them up for any and all reasons I can find (Obscure or otherwise). And as long as we're speaking of beating up, I challange the Inhabitant who devised the fiendish Outlaw Semi-autos to a duel, anytime, anywhere (No, not really). The fowl language was a tad overdone I think, but I'm not going to gripe about it. I'll just list it here and leave it at that. Just don't let your kid sibling play it.

All in all, cons aside, this game rules...plain and simple.
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03-15-2005, 08:47 AM
Esus's Avatar
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I hate those blue shirted semi-auto firing minions. They're hell. Especially in places where they keep respawning, such as when trying to fight Fatty McBoomBoom.

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03-18-2005, 04:01 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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In all honesty i am a bit sodded off with OWI for revealing ALL the Live Ammo before the game was released. Surely they could've held something back so that you had a nice surprise.

Though the LA was quite good. Well done, OWI.
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03-18-2005, 04:35 PM
LuLu_Fund's Avatar
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I've yet to try Strangers Wrath since it 'just' got released in the UK recently and I'm skint. I was really worried about the fact EA was going to release this, I hate it when they ruin/rush games...
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