Silvia followed Roland until they got to the river, then walked past and looked up and down it.
Silvia:"Well, I'd say you're right, however, it looks like he's already finished."
She looked around for a few moments, then held up her hand.
Silvia:"Wait, I think I see something over there... yes, I'm sure of it."
She turned back to face Roland.
Silvia:"You had better stay here; I think my horse will trust me more than you, as a stranger."
With that, she turned and started walking in the direction she had seen, or thought she had seen, the horse, untying the rope from around her waist as she walked. As she got closer, she could make out the shape of the horse's head in the shadow, then she stepped on a branch making a loud crack.
The horse's head shot up, but Silvia quickly started talking softly to it and looking in her direction it apparently recognized her and let out a nicker and started trotting her way.
She stopped walking and passed the rope into her right hand, grabbing out the carrot she had found earlier in her left. As the horse drew nearer she started walking slowly towards it, still talking softly, until she was right in front of it's head. Then, holding out the hand with the carrot for the horse to take, she swiftly put the rope from her right hand around it's neck and tied a knot.
She shot a relieved look in Roland's direction.
Silvia:"Okay, I've got him now."