I played the demo and it was total shit. Although I havn't played it on Xbox Live. But until I do, I'm basing my opinions on how incredibly bored I was while I played the two demo levels.
Probably because the demo was total shit. Because it was single player. The single player campaign does two things: 1) Teach you how to use different role types before playing multiplayer, and 2) Give you shitty mech parts to use in multiplayer.
But oh no, heaven forbid any major gaming magazines/websites take the online into account. I don't think I've ever disagreed with so many "credible" game reviews at once. For serious.
The other "big" complaint I hear is how slow the mechs move. Trust me, you get used to it. Sure, I noticed it at first too, but if anything, the slow pace helps the tactical aspect of the game. Once you get a decent mech with a speed of about 150 (at least), you're golden.
End rant.