I have not seen the cartoon in question, but I am severely sceptical that an animated children's programme centred around talking ponies emobodies new artistic horizons. I am also very sceptical of the comparison to modernism, to the point where I think you may have been joking.
I may have been a bit too ambiguous... but yes it was a joke.
I watched it. As horrific as it is for me to watch, its... Strangely addicting...
I agree... Each and every episode I watched enraged me so. I couldn't take the overly sweetness off the show, and the lack of consequences of their stupid actions.
I also didn't like how that episode with their 'halloween' and Princess Luna ended... She simply accepted her fate of being a feared icon just because people find it fun
What if SHE wants to have fun? HM? Did anyone ever think about HER feelings?!?!? Fuck... Im getting all emotional here.