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02-18-2010, 09:07 AM
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Take a bath, hippie.

My bowels hurt.

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02-18-2010, 10:04 AM
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I'd go back to 1959 and live my life through the 60's as it's where I belong. Then when 1970 arrives, I'd go back and repeat.
I hate it when people say "I belong in such and such a time". I bet half the people who say it wouldn't go through with it if the opportunity arose, or would wish they hadn't. I think that people tend to view the past as it is portrayed in the media, which more often than not have their nostalgia goggles on. Things are a lot better in many ways now than they were several decades in the past, and the sooner people realise that and focus their concentration on the present, the better.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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02-18-2010, 10:06 AM
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Take a hit, dad.

My bowels hurt.

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02-19-2010, 01:52 AM
Sligoth's Avatar
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I hate it when people say "I belong in such and such a time". I bet half the people who say it wouldn't go through with it if the opportunity arose, or would wish they hadn't. I think that people tend to view the past as it is portrayed in the media, which more often than not have their nostalgia goggles on. Things are a lot better in many ways now than they were several decades in the past, and the sooner people realise that and focus their concentration on the present, the better.
No, because I really really detest modern lifestyles. I see nowdays as the worst the world has been, what with chavs and other horrible things. If I had the chance to live my life in the 60's, bet any money I'd say goodbye to these times and leave without so much as even looking back. I know a lot of people talk about things they would never do. But there is nothing I want more in life than to have been living it then. I do belong there, everything I love is from those times, be it music, TV, fasion, everything. Modern life makes me depressed and I want no part of it. Ever. I would miss videogames but that would be all. That's just the way I'm built, and I'm out of place.

Last edited by Sligoth; 02-19-2010 at 01:57 AM..
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02-19-2010, 02:25 AM
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No, because I really really detest modern lifestyles. I see nowdays as the worst the world has been, what with chavs and other horrible things.
Oh, yes. Nothing equally horrible ever existed in the '60s, did it? What you see in mainstream media is not representative of the opinions and interests of a regular modern-day person (and I'm sure it wasn't in the '60s - I bet you a lot of people wished they were alive a couple of decades ago back then, because "they would have been the days") - it merely shows the morons and the loud people. There is a lot of good in the modern day, but it just doesn't get noticed, because people are too busy complaining about the bad, and worrying over whether John Smith's going to win the X Factor or not.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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02-19-2010, 02:51 AM
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Oh, yes. Nothing equally horrible ever existed in the '60s, did it? What you see in mainstream media is not representative of the opinions and interests of a regular modern-day person (and I'm sure it wasn't in the '60s - I bet you a lot of people wished they were alive a couple of decades ago back then, because "they would have been the days") - it merely shows the morons and the loud people. There is a lot of good in the modern day, but it just doesn't get noticed, because people are too busy complaining about the bad, and worrying over whether John Smith's going to win the X Factor or not.
I don't doubt that there was bad in the 60's but those are the times I was brought up around. If I have to have some bad around me, I'd rather it be in the 60's than now. I just don't like modern times. I don't like modern music or TV, or fasion sense. I like how it was in the 60's, so therefore, I want to be there. I will take any bad with it as to me, it is well worth it. But I am certainly not happy taking the bad in modern times, as I honestly hate them. Basically, it boils down to this. I am not happy in these times. There is absolutely nothing for me in these times, everything gives me depression. Even the sight of something modern makes a cloud come over me. Call it wierd if you like. I know where I want to be, but unfortunatelly, I will never get that.

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02-19-2010, 03:06 AM
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I like how it was in the 60's
You don't know how it was in the 60's,

You've got this warped view as a lot of popular culture lionizes the period

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02-19-2010, 03:11 AM
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You don't know how it was in the 60's,

You've got this warped view as a lot of popular culture lionizes the period
I know the music, TV and fasion of the 60's. I also know people who WERE from the 60's, ones who have told me the bad and the good. I know enough to know I want to be there. Notining anyone says will change this, nothing at all.

EDIT: I just watched your Oddworld Inspired Animation. That was awesome.

Last edited by Sligoth; 02-19-2010 at 03:13 AM..
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02-19-2010, 03:25 AM
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I know more about 60s music than modern songs. I can name about 4 songs released last year, if I'm lucky...

Also, the above as made me think that the ideal time to live was a time before people were civilized enough to look to the past and see how much better things once were. Life would have been so much easier back then...
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02-19-2010, 03:37 AM
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Sligoth: What's you're position on household items made of plastic? What about air conditioners, central heating and microwaves? Would you like an affordable car? A television that doesn't cost a month's wages? How about a quality medical system that cares for you without gouging out your wallet? Would you like to go to university and get a top-notch education without having millionaire parents?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of those questions, you'd better stay right here.
With the possible exception of the medical system one. Depending on where you live, you might not actually be better off today
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02-19-2010, 03:40 AM
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i thought of another thing i could do with a time machine:
i could go back in time of the pharoahs and f*** Nefertiti, Cleopatra, and their servants, although that would be difficult since back then humans were about 30 feet tall or something like that (and that gives another good idea to do, yes it is what u think it is).
They took mah Jarrb!

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02-19-2010, 03:40 AM
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the ideal time to live was a time before people were civilized enough to look to the past and see how much better things once were. Life would have been so much easier back then...
Ogg: "Remember time we live in trees there?"
Ugg: "Yeah, life then so much easier"

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02-19-2010, 04:05 AM
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Sligoth: What's you're position on household items made of plastic? What about air conditioners, central heating and microwaves? Would you like an affordable car? A television that doesn't cost a month's wages? How about a quality medical system that cares for you without gouging out your wallet? Would you like to go to university and get a top-notch education without having millionaire parents?

If you answered 'Yes' to any of those questions, you'd better stay right here.
With the possible exception of the medical system one. Depending on where you live, you might not actually be better off today

It's all just money, material items don't really matter to me as much as some other things. And to be honest, I prefer old style wooden Tv's and radios etc. Even vintage cars. Never had any use for uni, I left school 8 years ago and have been earning my money from music since. Not a lot, but some. I have friends who went to uni. Graduated scholars, who are now working in dead end jobs. Not saying Uni is useless, but to be fair a lot of people end up in the same miserable situation regardless what scholarships they have.

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02-19-2010, 04:28 AM
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i thought of another thing i could do with a time machine:
i could go back in time of the pharoahs and f*** Nefertiti, Cleopatra, and their servants, although that would be difficult since back then humans were about 30 feet tall or something like that (and that gives another good idea to do, yes it is what u think it is).
The world shook as my palm hit my face.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

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02-19-2010, 04:39 AM
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I think I will murder the first person who says that they'd go back to the eighties because they belonged there culturally.

“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 04:47 AM
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I don't doubt that there was bad in the 60's but those are the times I was brought up around. If I have to have some bad around me, I'd rather it be in the 60's than now. I just don't like modern times. I don't like modern music or TV, or fasion sense. I like how it was in the 60's, so therefore, I want to be there. I will take any bad with it as to me, it is well worth it. But I am certainly not happy taking the bad in modern times, as I honestly hate them. Basically, it boils down to this. I am not happy in these times. There is absolutely nothing for me in these times, everything gives me depression. Even the sight of something modern makes a cloud come over me. Call it wierd if you like. I know where I want to be, but unfortunatelly, I will never get that.
you don't know what's in store for us in the future. i guaranfuckingtee that in a couple of decades, a few young people like you will be saying "i wish i was back in the 90's. things were a hell of a lot simpler then, and there was less of these [INSERT NEW DEROGATORY CULTURE HERE]. and i like Supergrass." and you'll tell them "ah, yes. the good old 90's. some good times they were. i mean Thatcher retired!" and will fail to mention the Gulf war, Oklahoma bombing, Arkansas school massacre, and other instances.

what about in the 60's? Martin Luther King was assassinated along with Robert Kennedy, the IRA were still very active, and the Vietnam war was raging through the whole decade, dominating the 60's. if you went back to a certain time, some problems may be resolved, but others, if not more, would replace them. terrible things were going on back then too, and a contributing factor to modern times looking so bad is probably the greater connectivity we have to anyone on the planet, and therefore news spreads fast.

you've heard of the atrocities and problems going on during the 40-50's, why wouldn't anything like that be happening during a time after that? granted you said you apparently wouldn't mind the bad things, but you come across as thinking there were less problems back then. if its apparently so bad now, and was bad before then, why would the time in between be better than both?

when i said earlier i'd go back to the 50's for farm work, it would mean less H&S legislations and easier business, but also incredibly hard work seeing as the advanced machinery used today wouldn't have been invented back then. it'd also mean less money, less veterinary care, and less security about being robbed or burned down.

also your whole post screamed 'the world is against me and i don't belong here', which is basically what i hear kids at secondary school saying.

i thought of another thing i could do with a time machine:
i could go back in time of the pharoahs and f*** Nefertiti, Cleopatra, and their servants, although that would be difficult since back then humans were about 30 feet tall or something like that (and that gives another good idea to do, yes it is what u think it is).
fuck right off.
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02-19-2010, 04:57 AM
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I think the rule of thumb since the enlightenment has been that any one decade is better than all the others that precede it, with the exception of the 1930s and the 1910s. And the forties whoopsy daisy.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

Last edited by Wings of Fire; 02-19-2010 at 05:02 AM.. : I forgot the second world war D:
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02-19-2010, 05:08 AM
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you don't know what's in store for us in the future. i guaranfuckingtee that in a couple of decades, a few young people like you will be saying "i wish i was back in the 90's. things were a hell of a lot simpler then, and there was less of these [INSERT NEW DEROGATORY CULTURE HERE]. and i like Supergrass." and you'll tell them "ah, yes. the good old 90's. some good times they were. i mean Thatcher retired!" and will fail to mention the Gulf war, Oklahoma bombing, Arkansas school massacre, and other instances.

what about in the 60's? Martin Luther King was assassinated along with Robert Kennedy, the IRA were still very active, and the Vietnam war was raging through the whole decade, dominating the 60's. if you went back to a certain time, some problems may be resolved, but others, if not more, would replace them. terrible things were going on back then too, and a contributing factor to modern times looking so bad is probably the greater connectivity we have to anyone on the planet, and therefore news spreads fast.

you've heard of the atrocities and problems going on during the 40-50's, why wouldn't anything like that be happening during a time after that? granted you said you apparently wouldn't mind the bad things, but you come across as thinking there were less problems back then. if its apparently so bad now, and was bad before then, why would the time in between be better than both?

when i said earlier i'd go back to the 50's for farm work, it would mean less H&S legislations and easier business, but also incredibly hard work seeing as the advanced machinery used today wouldn't have been invented back then. it'd also mean less money, less veterinary care, and less security about being robbed or burned down.

also your whole post screamed 'the world is against me and i don't belong here', which is basically what i hear kids at secondary school saying.

fuck right off.

No, none of that emo high school crap. I have a huge problem with modern times, and I'm sorry if you can't understand that, but it's how I am. To be connected to a certain period of time and wish you could live there is nothing like a school kid, you're just not translating it right. I don't belong here, because modern lifestyle, anything, form music, to television and clothing, I have a dislike for. I never once said the world is against me, you just misinterpreted it. I just said I don't like what has become of it. The 60's is my era of choice, and I say fuck the rest. And I will never praise the 90's oneday. I never praise any decade past 1975. I never said once that times before the 60's were bad either. I said it got worse and worse as time went on once the 60's ended, at least, that's how I see it. After the mid 70's I feel life began to detiorate. Why can you not just accept that I feel that way and move on? I don't know what's to come in the future, you are right, and I have no desire to either.

Also, your avatar represents yet another thing I love about the 60's.

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02-19-2010, 05:09 AM
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Wow, someone who's more of a hippy than me,

“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 05:14 AM
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I've got to agree with with MA here. Those spectacles have become opaque with rose tint.
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02-19-2010, 05:15 AM
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Hey fuck you maaaaaan I don't think you get our looooove you owl man owl man owl man.

Who the hell do you think I am?
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 05:32 AM
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Someone who needs to max out his happiness at night near a moon shard.
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02-19-2010, 05:32 AM
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No, none of that emo high school crap. I have a huge problem with modern times, and I'm sorry if you can't understand that, but it's how I am. To be connected to a certain period of time and wish you could live there is nothing like a school kid, you're just not translating it right. I don't belong here, because modern lifestyle, anything, form music, to television and clothing, I have a dislike for. I never once said the world is against me, you just misinterpreted it.
very defensive.

I just said I don't like what has become of it. The 60's is my era of choice, and I say fuck the rest. And I will never praise the 90's oneday. I never praise any decade past 1975.
that really is what the kids from secondary school sound like, and I'm sorry if you can't understand that.

I never said once that times before the 60's were bad either. I said it got worse and worse as time went on once the 60's ended, at least, that's how I see it. After the mid 70's I feel life began to detiorate. Why can you not just accept that I feel that way and move on? I don't know what's to come in the future, you are right, and I have no desire to either.
like BM said, you're looking at things through rose-tinted windows, glasses and every other transparent object in your possession. its how you see it, as you just stated, but that doesn't mean its necessarily true. we're trying to open your eyes, because you're running blind.

its nothing to do with us accepting the way you feel, its more to do with correcting your blind love for an era/eras. i could say that if i went back to the 50's i could get pissed on a couple of shillings, but ignore the fact that that'd probably be half a days wages for what i was doing.


EDIT: but its evident you aren't going to see things as they actually are/were, so there's no point.

Last edited by MA; 02-19-2010 at 05:34 AM..
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02-19-2010, 05:37 AM
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Someone who needs to max out his happiness at night near a moon shard.
I always figured myself as more of an Espeon person, then I could by psychic like my brother.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 05:41 AM
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@Mollucks Assistant...

S'mo Bs...

YOU think I'm running blind. I know better.

If you want to believe it is "school kid" to hate particular parts of life then that is up to you. But the fact is, you have no idea what the Hell you are talking about. I have neough people who actually LIVED IN THE 60'S who AGREE WITH ME so what you think is of no relevance what so ever.

Trying to open my eyes to see a shit existence as something better than it is, IS a waste of time, and you're right. There really is no point.

I didn't post in this thread for you to try to change my mind on what is or isn't the better decade. I posted in this thread just because it was here, and my post was what I would do. You don't like it? Hard luck. Move on, and post your own.

With that said, I won't waste any more time on you, brotha.


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02-19-2010, 05:44 AM
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Well that was a little rude.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 05:48 AM
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Well that was a little rude.
Who, me? I was just replying to him the way he did me.
I'm a nice guy.

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02-19-2010, 05:51 AM
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Except he didn't say it aggressively, you come off like you got frustrated with his counter argument and lost your temper.

Feel free to prove me wrong if you didn't.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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02-19-2010, 05:54 AM
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Except he didn't say it aggressively, you come off like you got frustrated with his counter argument and lost your temper.

Feel free to prove me wrong if you didn't.
I did get a bit het up typing the post, but only because he was using my own quotes against me, and accusing me of being some emo kid or something for standing by what I believe in. But I generally mean the bloke no harm, I have mad respect for anyone with an Albert Steptoe avatar.

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02-19-2010, 06:00 AM
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oh great, another newbie trying to take the moral high ground in a simple fucking debate. i have not been offensive with you once in this entire thread, but there's a first time for everything.

does this make me 'the man'? does it does it? fuck the man, man! yeah, i'm like a businessman in a suit and stuff and kill people and start wars and build guns to get money! fucking yeah!

S'mo Bs...

YOU think I'm running blind. I know better.
"i'm not wrong, you're wrong!"

If you want to believe it is "school kid" to hate particular parts of life then that is up to you. But the fact is, you have no idea what the Hell you are talking about. I have neough people who actually LIVED IN THE 60'S who AGREE WITH ME so what you think is of no relevance what so ever.
OMG i know people from the 60's, too! can we be bff's?

Trying to open my eyes to see a shit existence as something better than it is, IS a waste of time, and you're right. There really is no point.

I didn't post in this thread for you to try to change my mind on what is or isn't the better decade. I posted in this thread just because it was here, and my post was what I would do. You don't like it? Hard luck. Move on, and post your own.

With that said, I won't waste any more time on you, brotha.

i was never trying to tell you that one decade was better than the other, i thought that was blatantly fucking clear, because that's what you are doing, 'brotha'. i was pointing out that all decades have good and bad points, and you were blanking many of the 'bad' points due to your illicit love affair with it. and I'm sorry if you can't understand that.
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