hey carnix can you make this picture with Abe s normal face and without aliens from avp...and if you can add a glukkon to the place where is alien from avp...I would like to have that picture on my desktop.But if you will do that for me please don't remove your name on it.
I can do that and I have done that. All yours. But, yes a but, please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please DON'T QUOTE THE PICTURES!.
*realizes that if she's talking then the last bullet to Skylliaslig didn't work*
*turns and shoots Skylliaslig a second time*
Don't worry, I'm not shooting you because I don't like you. I just find it jolly good fun to put a bullet through someones head.
*turns again and shoots Alienmagi*