Why, you ask? Crush 40.
Crush 40 is this really shitty american/Japanese boyband that makes generic pop/rock music for the Sonic games.
I loved the old Sonic games, even sonic Adventure 1 & 2, but everything else sucks balls.
Then they made that show, you know, Sonic X? Basically, they made up a bunch of shit, got the most obnoxious voice actors of all time and then took a long, moist shit on everything original about the Sonic games which is to say, very little.
If anyone noticed, the Sonic Games voice actors have changed to match the shows, because the guy who played Dr. Robotnik, oh, wait, EGGMAN , excuse me, died.
So an entire cast change was in order.
I can't sum up all my complaints here, but I'll tell you one thing, When Did the Sonic games get shitty? THE EXQCT SECOND Sega stopped making consoles.
I mean, if you've seen the old Sonic cartoons, they're awesome, sure Sonic talking about molestation was creepy, but still, he basically spent all day kicking ass and eating chilidogs.
Now, Sonic is this punkass who trash talks everybody and is more blinged out than Fiddy Cent.
Shadow The Hedgehog Hmmm, an evil version of the main character? I wonder where they got
that idea.
Oh,oh! but don't forget the original idea of creating a racing game out of the series!
Yeah, folks; Mario kart.