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04-18-2006, 05:52 PM
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You'd shit your pants with glee whenever you found a Daedric Dai-Katana or, sweet Jesus, a Daedric Mother ****ing Tower Shield in Morrowind. Now it's like... "Another one? It took me hours/weeks/months to find this in Morrowind!" and stuff. You felt good when you finally got one. Now, boring.
I would spend hours fighting Dremora Lords in hopes of getting daedric things... Then, when I first found the single daedriac pauldron (OMG, pauldrons! Remember pauldrons?) in amongst ice somewhere in Bloodmoon, there was a sense of 'OMFG I FOUND SOMETHING AWESOME'.

I think I found why Morrowind vets are complaining:

1. The shortage of towns in Oblivion. There were at least 20 in Morrowind, weren't there? It gave it that little extra bit of scope.

2. Lack of superawesomeful armor customisation. Like, seperate pauldrons/gauntlets. Wraithguard was only one handthingy.

Anway, enough nostalgiac poopenfest. At least marksman is oodles more fun this time round.

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04-18-2006, 07:44 PM
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Gore splatter , heres something about becoming vampiric


Good luck !

ps : I hope this blimmin link will work.
Thanks for this oddish!

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04-18-2006, 10:36 PM
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Uh, you have to be member to access it... Anyways, I've been vampire for about 50 in-game days... But.... Is there anything else to it than just sucking blood and getting new attributes? I mean, in Morrowind you could get vampire-quests, but can you do that in Oblivion? I think its so annoying that when i need to do something in the daylight, and then suddenly i become 50% vampire... :-(

Also i think i find the looting-system a bit annoying. I loved the way it was in Morrowind, and you'd also find more variation... :-/
But i like the new combat style... Much funnier than the randomness thingy..
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04-18-2006, 10:48 PM
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But i like the new combat style... Much funnier than the randomness thingy..
Definatley the one thing Oblivion has over Morrowind... You know, an actual ****ing combat system. It's not so 'swoosh swoosh swoosh smack swoosh' anymore. Same with magic, I actually use it this time round.

I find the best thing about Oblivion is just roaming around... You know, catching in the scenery and such. Although, as insane as it may sound, I miss the Ashlands.

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04-19-2006, 07:39 AM
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Does being a Vamp lower your Personality? If so, where can I find a good vampire hideout?
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04-19-2006, 07:40 AM
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Uh, you have to be member to access it... Anyways, I've been vampire for about 50 in-game days... But.... Is there anything else to it than just sucking blood and getting new attributes? I mean, in Morrowind you could get vampire-quests, but can you do that in Oblivion? I think its so annoying that when i need to do something in the daylight, and then suddenly i become 50% vampire... :-(

Also i think i find the looting-system a bit annoying. I loved the way it was in Morrowind, and you'd also find more variation... :-/
But i like the new combat style... Much funnier than the randomness thingy..
You're a Vampire? Damn, that sucks. I wonder what moron told you to become a Vampire.

And I gotta agree, Oblivion's terrain is way too repetitive. All the dungeons are either mines/caves, Ayleid ruins and forts. Why can't we have crypts? Or abandoned houses? And the normal terrain is just yucky. You get grass everywhere. Only difference is it's slighty-snowy grass in the North and slighty damp-grass in the South! I'll rely on the content downloads though. Frostcrag Spire sounds awesome. Who knows, more dungeon types in the future?

Edit: AlphaScrab, your personality will not lower if you keep drinking blood. If you stop, you become more Undead and lose personality. There are some Vampire hide-outs in the game, try Fort Hastrel to the North of Kvatch. Becoming a Vampire will not make you friends with Vampires though, they will still attack you on sight.

Oh and, I found this. Shows how great the face-gen is XD http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/932...33561290bg.jpg

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 04-19-2006 at 07:44 AM..
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04-19-2006, 09:36 AM
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You're POSITIVE Personality wil drain? Cuz the I can do the Namira Quest.

Also, the Hackdirt Brethren look funny too!
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04-19-2006, 10:30 AM
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You're a Vampire? Damn, that sucks. I wonder what moron told you to become a Vampire.
I guess you would be that moron... XD

But really... I didnt even notice i was a vampireuntill i slept and that nightmare showed uo, and i was like... Wtf? Then i noticed my character looked slightly different. Then I figured it out.
Anyways.... So there is nothing fun you can do as a vampire?? no quests?
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04-19-2006, 10:35 AM
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I guess you would be that moron... XD

But really... I didnt even notice i was a vampireuntill i slept and that nightmare showed uo, and i was like... Wtf? Then i noticed my character looked slightly different. Then I figured it out.
Anyways.... So there is nothing fun you can do as a vampire?? no quests?
Nope. It's only really good for roleplaying and wanting a timer on your sun-bathing. And AlphaScrab, it does diminsh your personality. Don't drink blood for about 5 days and you'll be 100% Vampire. You'll have such a low personality, vendors won't sell you anything.
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04-19-2006, 10:58 AM
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That sux... :-( Would be cool if there was some vampire-leader you could talk to after becoming 100% vampire or something.... The only vampire-quest is that cure-quest :-(
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04-19-2006, 11:51 AM
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Hmm, then I must be a faulty Vampire, my Personality is still 89 (!). And there's no proof of that either (no Drain Personality thing). And though I am 100 % Vampire, my face has only changed once.

Are u sure Vampirism drains your Personality? As in, like Cheap Wine drain?

If not, does anyone know of any wearable items that drain your P?
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04-19-2006, 12:15 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Just don't worry about it. Like I said, the ring isn't even that great. Mundane Ring is like... fifty times better, and I found like four of them.

Regardless, if you're on the 360, you can't finish all of the Daedric quests, because of the Clavicus Vile Umbra glitch, so you can't get der überquest from giant sea-monster freak Daedra god anyway.

If you're really desperate, you could raise your destruction skill and make AN ASSLOAD of Drain Personality on self spells... or better yet, you could learn the spell and make a suit of lame armor that will do Drain Personality constant effect... that's 50 points right there, not counting jewelry.

Of course, both of those require you to be a member of the Mage's Guild, unless, of course, you want to wait until the Wizard's Tower mod comes out.
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04-19-2006, 12:17 PM
Coolmanbizkit's Avatar
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Is there a way to change what guild you are in? O_o
Credit goes to Godlesswanderer for making this sig

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04-19-2006, 12:20 PM
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You can be a member of ALL guilds if you want, although some Dark Brotherhood missions conflict with certain factions (which is logical), especially the Mage's Guild, so you'll want to do that one first. Dark Brotherhood is the best anyway.

If you want to get kicked out of a Guild, just kill one of the members and pay your fine. You can't get kicked out of certain single-mission factions though... like Order of the White Stallion or Order of the Dragon. At least... I don't think you can.
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04-19-2006, 01:56 PM
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Found out something amazing in the game;


Seriously, drugs aren't bad in this game. If you're a melee character, head to the Skooma Den and steal some Skooma. The stuff increases your speed and strength by 60, and the effects stack with all other bottles of Skooma. You can easily have over 200 strength and speed with 3 bottles. Not really nice for magic and ranged characters though, it gives you the intellegence and willpower of a retarded Troll.
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04-20-2006, 12:05 AM
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There's no damage/drain personality spells buyable in the game. Have checked all the Mage Guild halls, and then some. Found a site which lists all the spells and its vendors, and there were no drain Attribute spells.

As for the Clavicus Vile thing, I'm gonna try this: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Gl...cus_Vile_Crash

When I get better again, that is, I restarted the game.

Heh, I think I'm gonna restart again, cuz my Character has blue veins running all over his face. Something to do with Complexion, I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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04-20-2006, 12:33 AM
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BTW what does the drian spell do?? I have a drain health spell, but nothing happens when i shoot at the enemy other than it turns red... I don't see any health being drained or whatever... :S Im so confused.
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04-20-2006, 06:17 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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BTW what does the drian spell do?? I have a drain health spell, but nothing happens when i shoot at the enemy other than it turns red... I don't see any health being drained or whatever... :S Im so confused.
Drain lowers the value of an enemy's attribute (or health, fatigue, skill etc) for the duration of the spell, meaning that if you cast a Drain Health 30 pts for 20 seconds, your enemy's maximum health would be reduced by 30 points for only 20 seconds. Basically, this only makes your enemy's restoration spells and health potions less effective, because they can't reach their maximum health amount. In other words, lame.

You want Damage Health. That's the equivalent of melee damage.
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04-20-2006, 06:38 AM
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Yeah, and I restarted again :P. Now to go and make some money... Hmm, duping + jewelry = $$$!

Shame there's noone with a damage personality spell... And it sucks you can't make negative effects potions for yourself.
Hmm, I know that there are some diseases you can get, which damage personality...
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04-20-2006, 09:41 AM
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Blah, I need some help here. On the last Thieve's guild quest, and I've got to an iron gate with 2 crystals infront of it. I push the switches and all they do is make the crystals turn red, and then they start firing lightning, as you imagine. What the Hell am I meant to do?
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04-20-2006, 10:57 AM
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The crystals always shoot spells. Some sick Ayleid joke, I guess. The 2 switches should lower the big blocks in the main room, with the Ayleid statue. Stand in the middle of the 2 blocks, and you should be able to see the keyhole, in wich you must fire the key shaped arrow. Practise with regular arrwos first. You'll know when your aim is right.

Heh, I'm with this multimedia club/thingy, where you can buy books, DVD's and games for a cheaper price, and I came across some books about Shannara. It's about elves and humans and stuff, and when reading though the description, it said something about "2 persons having to travel to the remote island of Morrowindl, to find long lost elves". I thought that was funny.
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04-20-2006, 11:43 AM
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The crystals always shoot spells. Some sick Ayleid joke, I guess. The 2 switches should lower the big blocks in the main room, with the Ayleid statue. Stand in the middle of the 2 blocks, and you should be able to see the keyhole, in wich you must fire the key shaped arrow. Practise with regular arrwos first. You'll know when your aim is right.

Heh, I'm with this multimedia club/thingy, where you can buy books, DVD's and games for a cheaper price, and I came across some books about Shannara. It's about elves and humans and stuff, and when reading though the description, it said something about "2 persons having to travel to the remote island of Morrowindl, to find long lost elves". I thought that was funny.
It's not that room. It's the first Ayleid room you encounter, with the opening in the wall that leads to the Undead-infested caves. There's a lowered pairs of stairs you need to jump up, 2 switches and a bedroll with a skeleton next to it. Then crystals and door are on the opposite side of the cave.
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04-20-2006, 12:14 PM
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You can be a member of ALL guilds if you want, although some Dark Brotherhood missions conflict with certain factions (which is logical), especially the Mage's Guild, so you'll want to do that one first. Dark Brotherhood is the best anyway.

If you want to get kicked out of a Guild, just kill one of the members and pay your fine. You can't get kicked out of certain single-mission factions though... like Order of the White Stallion or Order of the Dragon. At least... I don't think you can.
Ah, Because I made a Thief Khajiit to join the Thieves guild with...
I'll play that for fun anyway, Nord for arena/Quests Khajiit for fun.
I still cant work out a few things.
1. How do you get into the Thieves guild?
2.How do you know when you've found a Oblivion Gate?
3. How do you kill someone without them running off and getting guards?
Also, When the lock-pick vibrates, That means its that peg thing, Right?
Credit goes to Godlesswanderer for making this sig

Last edited by Coolmanbizkit; 04-20-2006 at 12:18 PM..
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04-20-2006, 12:41 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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1. How do you get into the Thieves guild?
2.How do you know when you've found a Oblivion Gate?
3. How do you kill someone without them running off and getting guards?
1. I've heard that if you pull off a big enough crime, someone will approach you while you're in jail and give you a quest. However, there is an easier way to do it. Try talking to some of the beggars in the Imperial City. If they like you enough... they might tell you... certain things.

2. It shows up on your map and you get dialogue saying "You've found a Gate to Oblivion." And... I mean, they're big, fiery portals. Kinda hard to miss. XP However, you have to close the gate at Kvatch before anymore show up.

3. Logically, if you're being attacked, you're going to want to seek help. The general idea when murdering someone is to kill with the first strike. If you have a high enough sneak skill to get 6x Critical Damage, pretty much any dagger should do the trick.


CS, you're having a common glitch with 360 users. Happened to me, in fact. Save your game in front of one of the switches. Then turn off your console. Do the Xbox360 cache clear trick (restart the console via the controller, hold down "A" until the Bethesda screen shows up). Reload your game.

The switches SHOULD work now. It actually took me a couple tries before they started working. This is a common thing in Aylied ruins. For me, the problem eventually corrected itself and all of the switches in all of the ruins just started working again.
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04-20-2006, 01:02 PM
Coolmanbizkit's Avatar
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1. I've heard that if you pull off a big enough crime, someone will approach you while you're in jail and give you a quest. However, there is an easier way to do it. Try talking to some of the beggars in the Imperial City. If they like you enough... they might tell you... certain things.

2. It shows up on your map and you get dialogue saying "You've found a Gate to Oblivion." And... I mean, they're big, fiery portals. Kinda hard to miss. XP However, you have to close the gate at Kvatch before anymore show up.

3. Logically, if you're being attacked, you're going to want to seek help. The general idea when murdering someone is to kill with the first strike. If you have a high enough sneak skill to get 6x Critical Damage, pretty much any dagger should do the trick.
One last thing, Was Khajiit a good choice for a Thief, I chose them for thier Acrobatics. But they are pretty weak, Should i just go for Marksman mainly?
And, Would a Charm spell work on the Beggars?
Thanks for the answers.
Credit goes to Godlesswanderer for making this sig

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04-20-2006, 01:06 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Khajiits are fun. Acrobatics is pretty useless in a practical sense, but it'll really help you get away from trouble if you're in a tight spot. Plus, you'll eventually get the power to skip across water, which serves no real purpose, but probably looks awesome. Plus, Acrobatics will help you evade enemies if you run out of arrows (stick with Marksmen).

Charm spell works on everyone. It's how I got most of my information.
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04-20-2006, 02:06 PM
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Thanks, working now. And Khajits just don't appeal to me. Cartoony eyes and umm... the hair. I wish I could make a bald character >.<
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04-21-2006, 12:25 PM
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Wel,, there's the almost-bald haircut for the Breton...

Heh, started over, and man, the Hernantier quest was hard! Finally beat the 2 Minotaurs after 3 hours. My eyes hurt...
TIP: Save before you enter the Test of Resolve, if you reload, you will get diff weapons. You're aiming for the weapon that does 80 Disintegrate Weapon, and then save again. Reload if both weapons aren't destroyed within the 9 uses. That'll take a big chunk off the range of the Minotaurs.
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04-22-2006, 04:36 AM
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It took you that long to do it?

Just put the difficulty down a bit if you can't do it, and put it back up when you're done.

And I did Sheogorath's quest (really funny!), and got the Wabbajack. It's not much fun though, only 10 uses and only works on creatures
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04-22-2006, 05:49 AM
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Ah. Difficulty slider. I forgot. *shames* I turned it way up when I was busy with the "Other" Darian. Got quite a nice view-save. I took a save on Mount Gnoll, and faced the Imperial City. Wow.
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