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10-01-2012, 07:57 AM
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I talked to Glitch in the pasty flesh, the pulley lifts will stay in Native areas.

I later won that Abe cutout for knowing inane Oddowrld trivia. But that's a story for another time.
That was you! Well done! The question was "Who stitched Abe's lips." and you said "Sam, his mum."

EDIT: Sorry I just double posted, I didn't realise I'd done that.

Last edited by pupbenny; 10-01-2012 at 08:05 AM..
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10-01-2012, 08:02 AM
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I LOVE it! I like how the screen get's darker as a Slig approaches, and it's so fucking smooth, it's unreal.
We finally get an explanation on how doors work, too! Long corridors, it's great how you can see Abe running down them and skidding out of them.
The thing I'm most excited about, however is the music. It's like a proper remix of the RuptureFarms theme, not some random bullshit, which is what I thought it was going to be.
I love the new platforms, and the Slig snoring sounds.

I don't really like the Slig walkcycle or the voice, but, PRE-FUCKING-APLHA!

So all in all, really looking forward to this.

E: The Sligs don't explode? Have they gone INSANE?

E2: Oh, they do a little bit.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

Last edited by Nepsotic; 10-01-2012 at 08:10 AM..
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10-01-2012, 08:06 AM
marlz's Avatar
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Well, they did explode... just not as dramatically yet, no chunks flying everywhere just a ball of red flame. As for the way they move, it's all subject to change I'm sure.
But everything else is just marvelous thus far, I completely agree.
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10-01-2012, 08:09 AM
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All the effects were added on Friday as placeholders so people could tell what the hell was going on. No good possessing the slig with no chant orbs flying around.
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10-01-2012, 08:17 AM
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Poor Lorne, no one laughs at his jokes.
all Meechmunchie did by trying to troll me was distract from the fact you all have no regard for Hetro or their rights at all, none.
- EVP_Glukkon/Oxide

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10-01-2012, 08:20 AM
marlz's Avatar
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Exactly the reason why I liked the recording Crashpunk did.
It reassured us that there were people in the audience capable of making sound. XD
There were so many audience reactions the Eurogamer stream did not pick up, and it worried me that I was chuckling to myself watching the stream while the audience seemed to be completely silent.
やった! (YATTA)
a.k.a. Awesome / Alright / I did it! (in Japanese)

Last edited by marlz; 10-01-2012 at 08:24 AM..
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10-01-2012, 12:17 PM
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I found the animation of Abe running into the wall really funny, so I can't wait to see what the animation will look like when Abe hits the wall whilst riding Elum.
Emjoyed Abe's Oddworld Oddysee Something Nice N Tasty

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10-01-2012, 12:22 PM
SligStorm's Avatar
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I really hope they upload that group photo they took of us all at the fan meet up!
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10-01-2012, 12:29 PM
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So, the original is now officially known as the OANST Edition, right?
It is in my mind.

I really hope they upload that group photo they took of us all at the fan meet up!
Check Stewart Gilray’s Twitter.

Sorry to be such a negative nancy but there’s been something in the pre-alpha footage that didn’t sit right with me. Took me a while to think of what it was, but I think I have it: the scale.

While everything looks gorgeously rendered and so much detail has been squeezed in, the characters look much larger compared to their environment than they did in the original, and the camera feels a little too zoomed in I guess?

Obviously you guys want to be able to see what’s happening on screen, but losing that sense of scale can really take away from the oppressive atmosphere.

Again, pre-alpha and all that and I think you guys are doing a fantastic job, but I guess I just feel like criticism needs to be brought up.

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10-01-2012, 12:49 PM
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I think we need to see more pre alpha footage to determine what should really be changed and to give feedback to the developer guys, so erm.. Hintedy hint hint...
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10-01-2012, 12:49 PM
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You aren't the first person to notice that phenomenon.

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10-01-2012, 12:55 PM
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I couldn't resist... :>
Looks so much like the original!
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	AbeHDEffect.png
Views:	540
Size:	118.5 
ID:	13601  
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10-01-2012, 01:14 PM
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I like the bit where he taps his stomach and makes ripples
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10-01-2012, 01:49 PM
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So yeah, best-selling PC games reporter worldwide, not bad. This stuff filters through Giantbomb and Kotaku and RPS to get there.

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10-01-2012, 03:37 PM
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You were sitting next to Child Pornography?
Now you know why I don't like to be called CP...

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10-02-2012, 02:43 AM
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Anyone else get the feeling this will be really, really popular?
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10-02-2012, 03:11 AM
Scrabaniac's Avatar
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Yes, because it will be introducing a classic to a new generation. The older fans should introduce this to their children or other relatives.
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10-02-2012, 05:32 AM
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Just gone through this thread to respond to things, but it seems I took so long, the early ones unquoted themselves. Nevertheless, for the time being…

Just a quick question for you guys,

Do you prefer Abe's monotone voice from Oddysee or the deeper one from Exoddus? I wonder if Lorne can still do the Oddysee voice.
Lorne didn't do the in-game voice in Abe's Oddysee, so I doubt he can.

I think a bigger question would be why the hell are there so many bombs inside the factory?
I hope the lighting doesnt flick between foggy and clear, orange and Green etc like it did in the pre alpha, it reminds me too much of littlebigplanet
If you mean the way the lighting/fog changes suddenly, then that's something we'll fix at the earliest opportunity. At the moment we can only change the global effects when Abe reaches triggers. Once we get volumetric effects in, it'll look loads better.

So, the original is now officially known as the OANST Edition, right?
Jesus Tits, I sure hope so.

We finally get an explanation on how doors work, too! Long corridors, it's great how you can see Abe running down them and skidding out of them.
You wouldn't believe the discussions that doors could generate. Personally, I'm happy for them to seem like an unexplained insta-transport to somewhere else, but our environmental artists (damn you, BB-88!) are adamant that the whole world should make as much physical sense as possible.

E: The Sligs don't explode? Have they gone INSANE?

E2: Oh, they do a little bit.
Like others keep pointing out, effects were added pretty last minute. All sounds were recorded and added in the last week. There is so much improvement to be done. PRE-FUCKING-ALPHA!

Poor Lorne, no one laughs at his jokes.
Everyone keeps saying how unenthusiastic the audience seemed. There was actually more sound than the Livestream picked up, but still.

That was you! Well done! The question was "Who stitched Abe's lips." and you said "Sam, his mum."
I really hope they upload that group photo they took of us all at the fan meet up!
You were there, Pupbenny and SligStorm? Awesome! Did I speak to either of you at any point?

I couldn't resist... :>
Looks so much like the original!
Fantastic. I wonder if I can convince the team to add a retro mode graphics filter. I don't expect any of the artists to want it even slightly.

Anyone else get the feeling this will be really, really popular?
I really, really hope so.

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10-02-2012, 05:53 AM
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Something that struck me as extremely interesting is how Lorne was telling about how much money they got when AO was selling in stores. For every unit sold ($60) they would only get $7 after all the licensing, publishing, shipping and retailing costs. And when they put it on digital distribution for $10 they still got $7 per unit. It amazes me how much developers actually lose to retail.

Also makes me wonder how much sticks now that AO is for sale for 2,50. You get like a dollar per unit?
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10-02-2012, 05:59 AM
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I wouldn't take it for certain that Lorne was using accurate figures. They could just be representative.

Also, after all the stuff being said about a shortage of LED screens, I haven't seen anyone mention them. >:(

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10-02-2012, 06:29 AM
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I mentioned the madness that was the Slig Visors discussion but I didn't know people complained about the lack of LED screens.

Speaking of complaints, I've heard so many people say that it's just a HD Remake. So to prove to them that it's just more then that, I've made a Side-by-side comparison between the Demo and the original AO


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10-02-2012, 06:53 AM
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This reminds me, why cut out the door after riding the lift? And there are should be 2 mudokons on that part
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10-02-2012, 07:03 AM
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There 'should' not be anything. They could redesign the entire game if they wanted to. That it looks so much like the original is a choice they made but certainly not something that 'should' be done.

Also I did notice the LED screens. I also like the holographic ads, though they do seem a bit out of place. Why would they put expensive holo screens in the bowls of a factory where only employees get to see it? I thought that was a pretty solid reason why we only saw posters in the original.
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10-02-2012, 07:05 AM
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I've made a Side-by-side comparison between the Demo and the original AO
That was brilliant! I have to say that I much prefer the new one The extra depth really does work well, and the factory feels so much more alive than before. The graphics are awesome, especially with the slight motion blur!

With regards to the LED screens, I think people have overlooked them because we expected to see them, and they seem so natural now as background props!

About the doors- in AE there were teleporters! Maybe the doors just lead to teleport rooms?
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10-02-2012, 07:22 AM
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5)Every working mud is bald, so I guess it's not about variety
I have just read this on facebook:

Oddworld Inhabitants: "As Lorne explained recently, the state of the pony tail is down to the environment they're living in.

During gameplay we will show this, by Abe's changing the more you progress.

Something else to note, the original design back in the day, Slave muds didn't have pony tails, only Abe. This was to differentiate them."
Sorry for my english. I'm French.

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10-02-2012, 07:51 AM
Andrelvis's Avatar
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Like others keep pointing out, effects were added pretty last minute. All sounds were recorded and added in the last week. There is so much improvement to be done. PRE-FUCKING-ALPHA!
It looks too awesome to be pre-alpha. I almost can't believe you
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10-02-2012, 08:03 AM
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I have just read this on facebook:

Oddworld Inhabitants: "As Lorne explained recently, the state of the pony tail is down to the environment they're living in.

During gameplay we will show this, by Abe's changing the more you progress.

Something else to note, the original design back in the day, Slave muds didn't have pony tails, only Abe. This was to differentiate them."
Yeah Glitch told me that the minor differences are actually more along Lorne's original vision. More Abe than Abe if you will. They're not necessarily taking anything away so much as they're adding cut content. That's the way I see it.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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10-02-2012, 08:09 AM
Varrok's Avatar
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Anyone else get the feeling this will be really, really popular?
Yes, because it will be introducing a classic to a new generation. The older fans should introduce this to their children or other relatives.
Are you still talking about Child Pornography?!
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10-02-2012, 08:14 AM
pupbenny's Avatar
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1 If you mean the way the lighting/fog changes suddenly, then that's something we'll fix at the earliest opportunity. At the moment we can only change the global effects when Abe reaches triggers. Once we get volumetric effects in, it'll look loads better.

2 Like others keep pointing out, effects were added pretty last minute. All sounds were recorded and added in the last week. There is so much improvement to be done. PRE-FUCKING-ALPHA!

3 You were there, Pupbenny and SligStorm? Awesome! Did I speak to either of you at any point?
1 I hope it's the same with the sound. It felt like the background sounds were changing too suddenly I think.

2 That explains the rainbow coloured LEDs?

3 Yep I was there, and we didn't speak but I did see you.

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10-02-2012, 08:14 AM
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Dammit Pup! you should of said Hello!

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