Watching star trek doesn't automatically make me a "trekkie", dumbass.
I watch Star Trek every so often, but... have you got some kind of a problem with people who like star trek?
I think it is a far better quality show than many other current and "up to date", so called "cool" crapfests, such as Big Brother, 24, the real world, Terror Alert, and other such tedious targeted market shite.
The latest one, Star Trek: Enterprise, is sheer genius. I've enjoyed watching absolutely every single episode of that show to date. It's REAL entertainment, because it's actually entertaining - unlike watching a band of 10 or 12 gaumless pondlife rejects ponce around some fancy designer house getting up to nothing much in particular. Or watch some horribly overacted counter-terrorist show which profits on the current and very retarded american terrorism obsession.
If you have a problem with the fact that I enjoy myself while watching Star Trek on television then just say so, because if you do, I can arrange for your respectability to be assassinated in 10 minutes or less, gauranteed, or you get your money back.