Do Canadians also suffer from fourth world guilt or do they just pretend their native population doesn't exist? I've heard conflicting things.
I don't know. We would have to ask Mac.
Somewhere in between. The Federal Government largely doesn't give a shit about them since they really have nothing to offer that would benefit the country and are a minority dwarfed by Indians and Asians.
A lot of Canadians ignorantly think that they're still a bunch of noble, inspiring, Eagle-on-a-sunset dopes instead of eagerly-on-dope-before-sunrise lazy shits. Personally, neither me nor anyone I know feels any guilt, partially because it's not like my Great Grandparents were actually in the country when we were colonizing and partially because, living within a few Kilometres of a reserve, I can safely say the majority are a bunch of unstrustworthy, embittered cunts whom either whine about everything or just act white.
However, the game itself looks kinda westernly and half-natives are always a neat staple in westerns so I'm guessing that's where it comes from.