I should point out, I've been posting a bit in General Oddworld Discussion too. I didn't just return to post pictures of myself and then bugger off again.
Are those pics from your American trip?
Indeed they are! We covered about 3000 miles on the motorbikes.
I don't think I mentioned at the time just what an amazingly realistic job OWI did of capturing the likeness of the Wild West.
I wish I'd put the Strangers Wrath soundtrack on my iPod before I left so I could really get into the mood of the Mongo River whilst riding past the sights that clearly inspired it. But I had to make do with Take That and Robbie. For a change.
You look good, by the way. Very skinny
Thankyou dear, although I actually put weight on in America. About half a stone, I had lost it within four days of returning to the Isle of Man.
America, your country is incredible but your food is shit. Sort it out.
Call me
And finally, because it's funny. Me in the Pub last Christmas Eve.
Don't my friends have a wonderful sense of humour? Really, wonderful.