(1)Whoah. Fuck you. Show me dishing it out. I want to see it. And then show me taking the moral high ground, because I want to see that too. I changed my post because I didn't want to get in an argument with you, not because of any high minded ideals. And what I changed the post to couldn't even possibly be construed as an attack against you.
(1)Stop crying.
Do you really think that what I do, and what you do are similar? (1)Show me telling someone that their art is shit. Show me telling someone that their life is sad. Show me purposely hitting as below the belt as possible. (2)Any jokes that I make are meant good naturedly, and I go out of my to make sure that they aren't going to hurt anyone's feelingsBut you're so fucking edgy, and (3)such a bad motherfucker that you don't give a shit what you say to people as long as you are able to feel smug and self assured by the end of it. You have disdain, and you intend to pour it out on someone. Anyone. (4)It doesn't matter how nice they are to you, or whether they deserve it or not.
(1)Really? You can't get over what I said about your music? Even after I commented again explaining what I meant in the original comment so that you would understand it WASN'T intentionally hurtful? Wow.
(2)Yeah, your jokes are
usually good natured. But I've seen you go out of your way to be down right annoying AND mean, making your jokes as personal as possible without really being hurtful, just getting underneath someones skin enough to really piss them off. So you're more subtle than I am, I guess.
(3)You almost hit the nail on the head this time. Except for one thing: it's the internet. I don't say the things I say for the sake of smugness or feeling self assured. When I want that, I go out into the REAL WORLD, and I succeed at whatever it is I'm trying to do. It doesn't always happen. Sometimes I fail. The point is, I don't use the internet as some sort of self esteem boost for myself. That's pathetic. I calls 'em likes I sees 'em, and you [and others] have given me a ton of plusrep for it. Provided it's not aimed at you. Except for my initial comment about you writing 'another shitty song', which, I assumed was blatant in its attempt to be a joke. Your plusrep validated this assumption. Then you started crying more.
(4)Who's deserving and who isn't? What, you've been here for a few years, so you can do and say as you wish, with immunity from any sort of backlash or feedback? Please.
Yes. It's true. (1)I'm not as cool as you. (2)I'm not as good an artist. (3)I wasn't smart enough to actually go to school for a decent career. (4)I've been a real dick at times. (5)Am I missing any other flaws that you might like to point out?
(1) Okay. I'm not sure if that's what you honestly think, or if it was some sort of school-yard-strategy. So...Thanks? I guess.
(2) Oh, piss off already. Apples and oranges. Also, while I loathe any form of comparison regarding art in general, yours REALLY chaps my fucking ass. I put my shit out there. So what? It's not personal art. It's mindless, 'I don't know what I'm doing until I'm done, I like bright colors' bullshit. But it's out there. Yours DID seem to be personal, and you put it out there, too. As far as I'm concerned, that makes you more of an artist than I'll ever be. I'll never have the balls to show anything personal here. But fine. Shit on your own chest.
(3)Bullshit. You have to be one of the more intelligent users around. And while we've get a plethora of dumb-dumbs, we also have some pretty sharp cats around here. I went to school. You didn't. You own a house, I rent an apartment. Your job sounds more challenging than mine could ever be on the worst of days. When you're actually working, and not trolling the forum, I mean.
(4) Kind of goes against your 'I always make sure not to hurt anyones feelings' statement, but no real disagreements here.
(5)No. Because I think you're a good, interesting fellow, and I have no real interest in hampering your already low self esteem.
Fuck you, Sekto. Stop defending me, and stop pretending I actually want you to act as my ambassador. You're only embarrassing yourself. You. Don't. Fucking. Know. Me. I'm trying to be nice here.