Two things i'm scared of:
Public Humiliation(I got panted in the gym in fourth grade infront of roughly 100 people. I kicked the guys ass the day after)
Well technically, the second one i'm not scared of, i just hate for it to happen: Rejection. It pisses me off because when I was like 12 or 13 i asked this chick out and it went from a High maybe (which is pretty much equal to a yes) to a let's just be friends, and she instead went out with a beaner named Jesus.
"The judge knew that he was full of shit and gave him twenty five years and now his heart is filled with tears. That night it was getting late. He was butt-raped by a large inmate, and he screamed. but the guards payed no attention to his cries. that's when things got out of control. The moral of the date rape story: it does not pay to be drunk and horny." -Sublime, Date Rape