Type of Picture:
Banner, like one for a signature
Main Text:
Tay Tay
Subtext (Optional):
no thank you
http://images.google.com/images?q=tb...creenShot1.jpg (Do you see under Abe's head where it says Abe, can I have that handwriting?
http://oddworld.dreamhost.com/oddwor...rtwork/002.jpg id like this on the left please, and if you can Id be very happy if the actual people could be zoomed in a little bit closer ttp://oddworld.dreamhost.com/oddworlduniverse.com/games/handofodd/gallery/artwork/003.jpg The amount of zoom on the first picture Id like added onto this please.
Theme: I guess organic
Do you want an underlining theme to the banner? Organic
Notes: have the two pictures right next to each other and the name Tay Tay wherever there is blank space, but I was hoping for my name at the top...if it doesnt cover up to much of anything
Please, and Thank you soo much. Your very nice.
I beileve in Jesus and I am a strong Christian

I love my girlfriend, Amy more than alot.
I love my family.
I love my music