I loved Waterloo, but I admit that when you realize that you are only missing one figment, and it could be anywhere in this huge open level, it can make you want to tear your hair out.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
Yeah, I'm going to just spend like 400$ on Xbox games and well I can't really summarize this post without including this:
Not being sarcastic, either. I'd prefer to just play a bunch of new stuff on one system rather than constantly switch the plugs back and forth. I'm that lazy.
So far:
-New 360 (120$/less depending on what I have to sell)
-Halo reach
-Castlevania (or Enslaved, honestly more likely the latter)
-Points card
-I'll probably pick up a used copy of Mirror's edge with the 360, as I do want to play it and it's really cheap.
Wow, depending on how I wheel and deal this I could probably get all of this for less than 300$.
And also, probably Fallout New Vegas. We'll see. I don't know.
Price tally:
BLOPS: 64.99
Reach: 59.99
New Vegas: 64.99
Enslaved: 39.99 (Nice!)
Refurb/Used 360: 129.99, but it will be less at the used game store I frequent.
So about 400 dollars, including tax but giving or taking for reduced prices/used versions at the used store. If they have all of this at that store I'll more likely be looking at 300-350. I love doing business in my head.
__________________ I see you jockin' me.
Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 11-23-2010 at 10:51 PM..
Also, I imagine it would be less fun to keep checking against that list to see which one you are missing than it would be to just screw around and find it naturally.
I would only refer to that list as a last resort. When you've searched the entire level repeatedly and are starting to get a headache, look at your figment collection to see what you're missing and refer to the list. Keeps me from throwing down the controller in frustration and never playing the game again.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
I've played a bit of Darwinia, but it seems like the kind of thing I'd get bored with quickly. I don't doubt that it's really good, because it is. Just not my favorite type of game.
Spelunky is out on 360 soon. I can't remember if that's your sort of thing or not.
Oh, and OANST, I've changed my mind. Meat Circus is my favourite level. Not a popular opinion, but there it is. Second best asthetic design to Black Velvetopia, good music, good level and enemy design, and after such an easy game I finally think: 'Hey, now we're getting somewhere!'.
I honestly think my favorite level is Oleander's War. It was so abtract and weird at points, and all of the Memory Vaults and such explaining Oleander's failure as a soldier were pretty damn sad. My least favorite is probably Millas. It was still cool, but I always dread having to play it.
The all-encompassing brilliance of Doodle God has a sequel. You built the world, now get ready to destroy it. Make Lawyers, Copyright, Money, Religion, Heresy, Demons and more.
I finished Kingdom Hearts 100% and have now moved onto KH2.
I considered playing CoM in the middle, but the end was too stupid for me. It was as if they used a whole game to justify you being weak again at the start of KH2.
I loved CoM, the two best members of Organization XIII are from there.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’
My least favorite is probably Millas. It was still cool, but I always dread having to play it.
Getting all of the figments in the race takes so much patience, that I'm surprised anyone other than myself even bothers with it. And I'm the crazy "gotta catch 'em all" guy.
Picked up Splosion Man, Greed Corp, and Darksiders from Black Friday sales. Walmart was out of Brutal Legend, and the knuckle draggers there couldn't comprehend even though I printed out the Kmart ad from online, its still available in store. I will angrily call them later to hopefully get Dragon Age Origins Collection and Mass Effect 2 on the cheap.
Think Ill go back and get Dead Space for $10 at a local store. I called up Walmart and they said they wouldn't price match Kmart since there isn't one in the area.
I'm currently stuck on a part where I need to get at least 100 pieces of eight to get that goddamn sword! And I know how to get it, but for that too, I need some items which I don't seem to have...
I'm currently stuck on a part where I need to get at least 100 pieces of eight to get that goddamn sword! And I know how to get it, but for that too, I need some items which I don't seem to have...
You need to go into the kitchen in the scum bar. You need to pick up the saucepan from under the table and then use it as a helmet when you go to the circus and get shot out of the cannon.
Played trough AC: Brotherhood and just finished getting all flags/feathers/rifts. I just love these games, if only for the backstory and mystery surrounding Abstergo.