What happened to you man, you used to be cool!

Correction: I've attacked you for being a stupid piece of shit four times in a relatively short period. Yeah, I used to not care about all of the rainbow waste that erupts from the majority of things you like, but now there's no denying it: you're genuinely fucking annoying. You and Joe have this really poisonous conglomeration of interests that you
still don't understand nobody wants to hear about. I can accept you liking your stupid Japanese baby cartoons, I'm at least
that reasonable. I mean, if every aspergers-claiming-neckbeard piece of shit in the world can enjoy them, I don't see why you shouldn't.
Unfortunately, somewhere between speaking in utter reverence of a new My Little Pony cartoon that you should know no one else here wants to know exists, whining about Mass Effect because other people say they like it and just generally not grasping that
nobody gives a shit about at least 80% of the things you say or enjoy has left me sick of you. You're reaching some horrendous critical mass of nerddom and dipshittery that I would rather not be friendly with.
I mean, just how much were you itching to use that stupid 'UMAD?' thing? God knows you've implemented it twice in less than 24 hours. Let me ask you: Did you make it? Are you responsible for that? Did you legit take the time to crop an image of a cartoon pony for the express purpose of arguing the point that you're stupid as fuck?
I get mad at people in cycles, see. Same with friends. I cycle. I'm a cycler. Fortuna has not a single wheel of destiny for me, but complicated machinery for determining just who in the fuck is going to get on my nerves, but you...
you, you just burst out of the goddamn clockwork and decided to be cancerous and annoying. Obnoxious Australian. Lying Liberal. Neglected Nerd. Begone.
tl;dr I've become attuned to how unstoppably annoying you are.