Why does it seem like most of the members here think khanzumerz are truely evil? We aren't that bad really! What's wrong with eating mudokon?
Seriously though, I find it very unlikely that the industrial species would work hard for the khanzumerz unless they recieved something in exchange. And no Moolah is not the right answer. What good is Moolah if it isn't backed by something? That would be like me making my own money and using it to buy food. I don't think that the khanzumerz just sit around all day. Perhaps the kahnzumerz are generators of most of the electicity the Magog Cartel runs off of. Or maybe the khanzumers help protect Mudos from evil invaders from different continents. They must do something, and what they do they must think is right. If that makes them evil then so are the glukkons, vykkers and mudokons.
I don't think that there is a "true evil" on oddworld. I hope that the games don't become more black and white. Instead, I would like the line between good and evil to get thinner and thinner as we near the end of the quintology.
There is one other alternative I can think of. Maybe the khanzumez are all-powerful beings who threatened to destroy the other species unless they worked for them.
In that case, yes. Us khanzumerz would be a bad lot.