If your baptized, it's like saying
"I submit my life to Christ, I don't want to be the old person anymore. I believed that you died in order to save my life. I want to be obedient"
People are baptised as babies. There is no "old person" for them to renounce. They haven't a clue what's happening to them.
What would you do if you find out there is a God? Are you going to try to argue him down? When if there is a hell? People getting tourtured for eternity? Are you going to argue him then also if you never believed in him?
I think that meeting God is undeniable proof that he exists, so I will therefore begin to believe in him. I might try and argue him down, but only if he says something I disagree with. Up to now, however, I have been offered no proof of his existance [not even by you, even though you claim to have proof], therefore I do not believe in him.
3. When I die, I will find out whether or not there is a Heaven or Hell. When I die, it will no longer be a case of Faith, it will be a matter of Observation. If it turns out that there is a Heaven, then of course I would want to go in there, and I think that God should make the decision on whether or not to allow me into Heaven based on what kind of person I am, not based on whether or not I believed in him or not. If he really wanted us to believe in him, he would have given us some proof. What is the purpose behind all this secrecy? Does he mean to test our faith? If so, what difference does it make whether or not a person is able to believe in something they have no proof of simply because they are told that it exists? Surely people who believe in other religions would also pass that test!
4. Up until a few minutes ago, I was under the impression that Heaven was for Good People and Hell was for Bad People. Now, however, Pinky has explained to us that Heaven is, in fact, for people who "want Christ in their lives", and Hell for those who don't. This puts things in quite a different perspective. Let me give you an example:
Hitler was a devout Christian. He had definately said that he "wanted Christ in his life". Therefore, by your definition, he went to Heaven.
Gandhi was not Christian. Therefore, by your definition, he went to Hell.
You will, of course, deny that you said this, and claim that Hitler went to Hell. But to do so, you would have to admit that Heaven and Hell is not about being Christian, it is about what sort of life you have lead. If this is true, then you will have to let Viruous Non-Christians into Heaven, and then your argument comes tumbling down...