Wow. Everyone has already said what I wanted... but I'll just give my opinions anyway.
What to Keep, add, fix, change or improve.
Keep everything that made New 'N' Tasty great in AEHD. ...Duh!
- New Cutscenes. More Glukkons!
- More Mudokons? How about 500? or hell even 1000?
- Make the 'Hard' difficult more challenging. Harder to defuse UXB, harder to time Drills, instant death fall damage.
- Keep a lot of original sounds whilst adding more to fit the new style.
Not going to lie. I miss the old Paramite and Scrab sounds. I hope you put them back in...
- More options to tweak. Turn off ragdolls, bloom, Mudokon chatter. Basically what people had negative opinions on.
- How to make your game sell on Steam with 3 easy steps:
1. Modding resources
2. Steam workshop support
3. level editor.
4. Profit!
Seriously. I'd love for some modding support in the PC release. It's why I love PC gaming so much.
- I'd LOVE to see AVEcotone's work in the remake. He has such great talent and he captured the feel of Oddworld perfectly with his
Oddworld : FeeCo Depot artwork.
- AE was a much larger game than AO. Make that also apparent in the remake.
I love what you did with NnT adding moving objects, characters and ect in the background. It made the world much more alive. So yeah. Do that again only bigger.
I'd also love to see tons of new areas within the facilities.
- Make the character interactions and behaviors more varied and dynamic. Since AE had Mudokon emotions. It would a perfect opportunity to do so. I was thinking for example:
-Sad Mudokons don't work as hard, and are more quite.
-Angry Mudokons either ranting or giving attitude towards each other and Abe.
- Happy Mudokons. Crazy happy. Running around everywhere laughing, have a upbeat and overly positive tone.
-Sick Mudokons are actually drunk. That'd be hilarious.
- Blind Mudokons. Unique dialog. "Hey where'd go Abe?"
- Banter between the different Sligs. "Where's your pants? hahaha!"