Most of the pot I've smoked I've gotten through my sisters, and the first time I bought it (from my shady gangster friend) it was fucking terrible
Luckily, I have another friend who gets AMAZING weed (Probably the most potent I've smoked, not to say I have a wide palette) and is always willing to sell some for an honest (herp) buck.
Last summer I went to a cabin about fourty five minutes to an hour from home with my sister, her crazy vegan anarchist friend who is sometimes annoying, sometimes not and the above mentioned 'other friend'. I was still a mundo-lightweight, smoked a few bowls, drank some cheapie pseudo wine-cooler/vodka/energy drink that was blue and I was absolutely fucking obliterated. I wasn't hallucinating, but whenever I closed my eyes I'd see shapes and patterns that were like neon vegas vomit. I was convinced I was in an action movie and kept farting one liners around. I actually had to take a lie-down because I was so full of energy and at one point got mad at my sister because she kept asking me if I was okay. The atmosphere was super positive too, so no paranoia.
I can't fucking wait for this summer.
I see you jockin' me.
Last edited by Mac Sirloin; 05-09-2010 at 07:02 PM..