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01-11-2008, 10:41 AM
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Actually they have 34 segments with a nerve ganglion in each and a brain in one. I am also the resident authority on Hirudineans.
and i have decided to be oddworlds resident useless fact generator which you explain in minute detail

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01-11-2008, 01:35 PM
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So the grubs and muds represent native tribes used as slaves by the western world, the vykers would represent those that break ethical laws in order to acheive their goals (correct me if I'm wrong, but they remind me of a Dr. Frankeinstien type character), etc.
But what would the Wolvarks, Clakkerz and Interns represent?

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01-11-2008, 02:16 PM
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Wolvarks could refer to the people in the soliders around the time in the 1800's within the USA that stripped the Native Americans from their homes to camps (I remember something about the Navajos), Clakkerz could represent the arrogance and ignorance of the settlers who came into the cleared-of-native-settlement, and Interns resemble people who have poor ethics and live for materialistic objects.

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01-11-2008, 02:43 PM
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Wolvarks refer to any militaristic stupidity and contempt for other cultures. They live and work to destroy other environments to benefit their own inbred, close‐minded, trailer trash existence. Interns represent apathy in all forms, taking great inspiration from those that use fashion, trance music and manufactured drugs to escape reality (as opposed to the native races that use natural drugs to bring themselves closer to nature).

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01-12-2008, 11:16 AM
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Ratz - rats.
I feel like making a smart-arse coment to this but I'm to lazy.
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01-12-2008, 11:25 AM
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Thanks, I never actually thought about what wolvarks, clakkerz and interns realy represented.
Actually, wouldn't Ratz represent desiples of a religious leader, I mean, they're said to be the eyes and ears of the rasin, they seem to have sacrificed their individuality and have become one speacies dedicated to the races, silent and mysterious themselves, but they express their message through the Rasin's teachings.
What would the rasin represent anyway? I peaceful or spiritual leader forced into hiding by his enemy?
Ok fine, I realy am looking too far into this.

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01-13-2008, 08:44 AM
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Ratz seem strange to me because it’s hard to tell just how intelligent they are. They have an impishness about them, and a wee bit of spunk too, but just how aware they are of being used by the Raisin as remote vessels is really hard to pin down. They are essentially just rats that scurry about in every corner of Oddworld—​natural or developed—​trying to survive, and it’s this distribution that makes them perfect for the Raisin’s voyeurism.

It was an even more perfect relationship when the Raisin was going to be in a rubbish dump, where he was discarded by the Industrialists but salvaged in situ by those that revere his wisdom. Instead he was put in an underground hideout to protect him from the Industrialists, who have more of an interest in ‘quietening’ this inspirer of native fortitude (except for the Vykkers, who have more twisted ideas). In this way, the Raisin represents spiritual and political leaders whose wishes to instill peace, equality and resistance upset more militaristic, self‐interested groups who then do their best to end the teachings of these people, people like Nelson Mandela and the present Dalai Lama.

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