Elbowz: On the beginning of the bounty, where you first see the outlaws, fishing with explosives or something like that. I first bountied them all. When I've cleared the beach, there was no one left.
I was about to continue when I saw an 'outlaw' flat like in an old dos-game.
The only thing I had near was a cheap-assed webcam and I maneged to take some 'pictures'...
I've put some almost-empty batteries inside, so the pictures are totally screwed up
Still, you can see the bug...
He was standing still on a pile of explosives. He was flat, looked stupid and was on both sides the same...
I tried shooting him with uncharged boombats...
First hit wood scatered from him
I kept shooting untill he fully exploded into a big pile of wood under water
If I manage to take better pictures I will post them