About bloody time! I'll just hope this is more dark and less cartoony like the new games are.
Hey, it needs a bit of humour, thats part of what I loved about the games. Well, the ones that I've played...
A thought, it would be wicked if they made different versions of the movies so that they have seperate endings, like the games did. That would rock. They'd come in a bundle on DVD, though.
Now all I have to say is...my prayers to banana phone payed off*slapped*
The movie almost HAS to be about Oddworld, the whole company is about Oddworld, its in the name. It would make no sense if they made something unrelated.
The games were unique, we need more. And without stupid forced release dates so that they have a chance to release multiplatforms at least. oh, and hopefully they told X-box and their 'only with us for next two or whatever games' to f*ck off. Always some xcuse with Microsoft isn't there? Money, money, money...
The real world sucks, anyway.
Plus, I thought the infants logo was only mainly for the book because it had a larger logo on front. Also for pages inside the book were more logo edits.
EDIT: On close inspection, the new logo has a little light above it, maybe representing something, plus it looks a bit like an egg. A new start?I hope its related more to the movie or whatever rather than a new franchise, 'cause I'd love more games.
Also, I hope after X-box's 'only with us' contract can be bent when its expired to make multiplatform versions of MO and SW. Stupid microsoft and their cheap X-box 360 too. Those graphics are c*ap in comparison to PS3 etc. They just look shinyer.