Actually, the idea you stated is actually rather feasible, and entirely default in vBulletin. I'd just have to use the rank system (now that we can stack ranks) instead of the custom title system as well as use secondary user groups and enable group membership.
I totally forgot about the group memberships. Seeing I use them for ACF for a couple of things, I should have no excuse for forgetting.

Plus it really doesn't require any PHP programming ... it just needs me to put the group memberships back into the profile page, seeing as I ... erm, removed it as I thought it was useless for us.
The only thing that I have noticed during my usage of group memberships, is that people can join more than one secondary usergroup. So unless membership were approved, there would need to be some way to "force" someone to leave their existing usergroup if they wished to change alliances. Otherwise regardless of whether we use this for titles or just an extra graphic, it's going to mess up the display [not to mention the whole reason for having it in the first place].
Although I tend to agree that there just might not be enough titles to make it a feasible title system, seeing with the new one implimented we made extra levels.
Abe Babe...