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02-25-2006, 09:17 AM
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OOOOOOh! a flame war!


on a more serious level , however , i believe that people that outbid you on ebay at juuust the last minute so you dont have time to place a higher bid because you cant type fast enough and they end up winning the blowable sausage that you really needed for when youre watching playdude outta be hanged !
OOOO yes that's a good point.

I recently signed my girlfriend up to use ebay for the first time, she's been wanting an account for ages. Her first experience of being outbid like that, she was outbid by someone in the last 8 seconds! These ebay "snipers" are really unpopular among sellers and many will refuse to sell to the winning bidder if they see that sniping has taken place. Or at least, that's what used to happen... I think ebay might've ruled against it though.

Another thing that annoys me is MYSPACE! More specifically, the people on it, who write really rediculous shite on their profiles. Some of it is just hugely annoying. The sheer arrogance and vanity displayed by some of the people who are describing themselves (usually using lists) is sometimes just stunning.

I barely ever use myspace now. In fact I haven't been on it in ages. Even without the massive number of materialistic myspace whores who simply want to look popular, there are still millions (literally, over 50 million) of complete imbaciles.
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02-25-2006, 11:04 AM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Another thing that annoys me is MYSPACE! More specifically, the people on it, who write really rediculous shite on their profiles. Some of it is just hugely annoying. The sheer arrogance and vanity displayed by some of the people who are describing themselves (usually using lists) is sometimes just stunning.
Thank you! I hate that crap! There are these few little *&@$%$#*^&*Beepbeepbeeeeep*$%@#$& ers at my school whom talk about Myspace all day and annoy the crap out of me by telling me to "comment their pics" and what not. I hate myspace.

Also those Ebay "Snipers" ,as you call them, really get on my nerves. Especailly when it's something you've been wanting for a long time.

Nate, I guess you're right. I shouldn't have said that, but I just find it very disturbing that she hates happiness and love.

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02-25-2006, 11:23 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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Aww, but spiders are cute little things with shiny eyes and adourable little dancer's legs!

Spiders are NOT, cute! They're hairy, has more legs than a grasshopper, and has fangs! Plus, they give you the chills...:shudders:

As fer me, what pisses me off?...
:taps chin thoughtfully:
Not to offend some o' you, but some people piss me off.
School is a perfect (poifect!) example.
The preps of the school.
Ugh, I can't stand them! They don't think of anything but themselves, and how they look, and sometimes their boyfriends...
But anyways, it's like, they break a nail, and they cry bloody murder. COME ON! They'll regrown back in a week, turn off yer waterworks, and shove it down yer throat!
The jackasses. The people whom talk crap behind yer back. They get on my nerves as well. They think they're so funny? Well, they're so funny when they talk behind their friend's back, and get's a fist in the face fer it. 'specially gossipers. The lady trash-talkers. All I wanna do to 'em is yank their hair out, and kick them down in the dirt, and make 'em bathe in it, and make'em feel more than sorry fer ever talkin' behind people's back. It's rude, and it's quite stupid. get themselves in to BIG trouble one day.

Now, some o' you may get offended by this, but think of it; I don't know you in real-life, so I can't do anything.
Plus, I'm only directing it to the people at my school. (Burn the bloody place down...)
The Stranger's girl

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02-25-2006, 12:00 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Spiders are NOT, cute! They're hairy, has more legs than a grasshopper, and has fangs! Plus, they give you the chills...:shudders:
Just think of them as miniature tap dancers.

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02-25-2006, 04:40 PM
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Heh. You wouldn't hate snipers if you were intelligent/committed enough to do it yerself. The way I see it, if you put in the effort to stay up until 3am just to be able to buy a Pez dispensor, then you deserve it more.

Or you could do what I do and have a program snipe for you.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

Last edited by Nate; 02-25-2006 at 04:43 PM..
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02-25-2006, 05:12 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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No, it's not that. I'll stay up as long as it takes. I always do, but there are the snipers that are so fast and type in their bid amount really quick at the last 3 seconds. That's what happens to me because I don't want to hit the wrong key. Here's an example: You are trying to type it in as fast as you can cause it's at the last 10 seconds. You try to put in $ 30.00, but you're in such a rush that you accidently hit the zero twice. Now you just bid $ 300.00 instead of $ 30.00.

And what is this program you're talking about that snipes for you?

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02-25-2006, 05:32 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
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Just think of them as miniature tap dancers.
That's even worse...How they walk around, it sends chills to me...>.<
The Stranger's girl

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02-25-2006, 06:16 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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I feel yer fright dark elite! spiders are my arch nemesises , even the daddy long legs freak me out!
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-25-2006, 09:04 PM
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Spiders are kinda freaky, but I don't see them alot. I guess I'm lucky.
abortion pisses me off
I'd post some other things that piss me off, but people would yell at me

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02-25-2006, 09:31 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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Spiders are kinda freaky, but I don't see them alot. I guess I'm lucky.
abortion pisses me off
I'd post some other things that piss me off, but people would yell at me
Well, I get the idea of women wanting to kill their newborn child 'cause they don't want them, but that's barbaric.
I agree, Abeguy. Abortion isn't right.
What women did they have to pay for. Even if it's raising a child with/without a father. It's their fault they went around snooping, and had unsafe sex.
(Although, you got'a have some feeling for the raped women, not meaning to have a child. I can feel for them)
The Stranger's girl

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02-26-2006, 02:51 AM
Dino's Avatar
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Thank you! I hate that crap! There are these few little *&@$%$#*^&*Beepbeepbeeeeep*$%@#$& ers at my school whom talk about Myspace all day and annoy the crap out of me by telling me to "comment their pics" and what not. I hate myspace.
I know this emo kid called James, who is a total and utter faggot. He's the most rediculous myspace whore ever - he's really ugly, but he isn't happy until his new pics have 50+ comments, so he actually asks people to comment his pics. Why ask someone to comment? If they like them they'll comment on their own. Christ on a bike.

He's such a twat in real life too. He has a funny shaped head, and he only likes you until something "bad" happens, at which point he hates you forever.

But yeah... I'm digressing... he really pisses me off.

Ah, actually yeah that's a point. I'm going to add James to the list of people who really piss me off.
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02-26-2006, 03:05 AM
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I totally agree, eBay sniper shouldn't exist!
they allready took several items under my nose

other then that my list also include:

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02-26-2006, 08:01 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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I have to agree with Cullen and Dino. Every, fucking kid in my school just HAS to have one, I mean, jesus, what the hell is so fun about plastering your entire persona on some cheap rate web page, honestly. And 90% of the people on there are cutting themselves about being a slut. Humanity sure has gone into dumps...

Last edited by used:); 02-26-2006 at 07:42 PM..
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02-26-2006, 07:38 PM
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"If theres two things I can't stand in this world its people who can't accept other cultures....

...and the Dutch."

I just had to say that.

but really, I can't stand people who shove their problems on other people. Especially the overweight people who honor-bound their friends to come and take care of them (cleaning, making food, etc.) without saying even a thank you.


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02-26-2006, 08:32 PM
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I'm sorry, I just find that hilarious.
I find the semi-'attempted suicide' business of yours even more so.

I quite like them insecty types, and coexist with the spiders. Only bad recent encounter was in the downstairs crapper, where a rather large bush spider scuttled its way in front of my face on a web. Needless to say, lucky I was sitting on a toilet.

What pisses me off? You, Outlaw King.

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02-26-2006, 08:43 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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Eh , well , i guess you either like me or hate me!
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-27-2006, 05:50 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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Another thing that annoys me is MYSPACE! More specifically, the people on it, who write really rediculous shite on their profiles. Some of it is just hugely annoying. The sheer arrogance and vanity displayed by some of the people who are describing themselves (usually using lists) is sometimes just stunning.
Arg! I do concur. Plus, almost EVERY SINGLE girl seems to post pictures from angles high enough to see down their shirts. It annoys me so much... Heh, I think we used to have a female member here that used to do that. It's just so obviously antention whore-ish and whore-ish in general.
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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02-27-2006, 06:19 PM
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Did I detect a little bit of jealouy in your rant, Ambi?

No, wait, forget I said that. *Slowly edges toward a safe building*

That is kinda getting annoying, though. You just want to look at your friends myspace, and if shes a girl and you type in their name, and you get 20 names that are almost the same, and almost everyone of them has the shots you described. It just makes you want to wonder what the hell the parents are doing when the girls are taking these pictures.


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02-27-2006, 06:27 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
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No ... probably not . Yknow parents always get angus if their daughter sleeps with some one , but they should be prepared for something like that to happen if the daughters sending naughty pics over the web . people like that piss me off
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-27-2006, 06:37 PM
used:)'s Avatar
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Arg! I do concur. Plus, almost EVERY SINGLE girl seems to post pictures from angles high enough to see down their shirts. It annoys me so much... Heh, I think we used to have a female member here that used to do that. It's just so obviously antention whore-ish and whore-ish in general.
Well, no offense Ambi, but Dino DID post a picture of himself naked and no one really yelled at him...

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02-27-2006, 06:38 PM
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I've heard tons of bad vibe about myspace. I have a username, but I don't use it

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02-27-2006, 08:03 PM
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Well, no offense Ambi, but Dino DID post a picture of himself naked and no one really yelled at him...
Whoa! When did THAT happen? I probably could've sold the pics on ebay or at my school!


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02-27-2006, 08:20 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Heh, I think we used to have a female member here that used to do that. It's just so obviously antention whore-ish and whore-ish in general.
Oh yeah, I remember that.
Wasn't that the one who posted, in the "What do you look like?" thread, a picture of herself in underwear?

And then Rexy said: "Hun, you are very beautiful, but there is no need to go around posting trashy pictures like that."

That was so funny!

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02-27-2006, 08:25 PM
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Oh yeah, I remember that.
Wasn't that the one who posted, in the "What do you look like?" thread, a picture of herself in underwear?

And then Rexy said: "Hun, you are very beautiful, but there is no need to go around posting trashy pictures like that."

That was so funny!
Where are you guys getting this!? I need to find these pictures...

*goes off on a wild OWF forums picture hunt*

Wheres Xavier when you need him!?


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02-27-2006, 08:58 PM
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Well, no offense Ambi, but Dino DID post a picture of himself naked and no one really yelled at him...
He was wearing short-type-things, but you were too straight to notice.

And @ Ambi: yes, I remember that person; Her only posts in the WDYLL thread.

Wheres Xavier when you need him!?
Supposedly in Belguim.

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02-27-2006, 09:11 PM
oddveteran93's Avatar
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What I hate:


Idiots who are good at sports but have the IQ of a peanut but being good at sports makes them superior.

The fact that next year I have to do advanced genetics in science class.

My english teacher.

My history teacher.

My former P.E. teacher (he made me wash the walls for not bringing my uniform).

70% of the girls at my school. Before you yell "You're gay!" hear me out. As I said before about 70% of the girls at my school (if not more) are coked out whores. They get drugged, they smoke, and I don't think I'll mention what lse they do in dark corners. They are the lowest form of society. Always wandering in packs with red eyes trying to keep their balance. What sickens me is that the year 7 girls do it as well.
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

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02-27-2006, 09:30 PM
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Well, no offense Ambi, but Dino DID post a picture of himself naked and no one really yelled at him...
Damn! How did I miss that? Can someone give me a link?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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02-27-2006, 09:34 PM
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70% of the girls at my school. Before you yell "You're gay!" hear me out. As I said before about 70% of the girls at my school (if not more) are coked out whores. They get drugged, they smoke, and I don't think I'll mention what lse they do in dark corners. They are the lowest form of society. Always wandering in packs with red eyes trying to keep their balance. What sickens me is that the year 7 girls do it as well.
You're not just gay, but you're pro-life.

I'm pro-life.

I'm a non-smoker.

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02-27-2006, 09:37 PM
oddveteran93's Avatar
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OMG! All you people hate myspace and I don't even know what it is HAHAHAHAHA
What I do hate though is MSN spaces. So for the people who tryed to access an MSN space sometime at the end of last year and it didn't work...it was because of me! I hacked into their systems!!! it screwed them up for a couple of days hahaha

See what happens when I'm alone at home and I have a lot of free time on my hands? I like plotting revenge on big companies
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

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02-28-2006, 03:42 AM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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70% of the girls at my school. Before you yell "You're gay!" hear me out. As I said before about 70% of the girls at my school (if not more) are coked out whores. They get drugged, they smoke, and I don't think I'll mention what lse they do in dark corners. They are the lowest form of society. Always wandering in packs with red eyes trying to keep their balance. What sickens me is that the year 7 girls do it as well.
I agree.
The dumb idiots friggen smoke 10 million pack o' cigs a day in the girls' bathroom. And the entire hall smells of smoke as well!
I mean, c'mon! We take a piss in 'ere!
Ya think we wanna smell yer smell?
Plus, girls do a lot'a nasty stuff in 'ere, too.
Like, NOT flushing the odd-damn toilet? nna go too far, I ain't gonna go too far, but girls' gotten lazier than boys. And that's really sad.
The Stranger's girl

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