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11-28-2004, 01:18 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
Fuzzle Guy
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You don't wanna drive him off BBS

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11-28-2004, 11:11 AM
Nepharski's Avatar
Riot Slug
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Ok... I'm so bored now, I wathing THE ROCK in the tv... and I thinking... there are many people who want a banner and they're creating new treads for it... so I created this...

I need descriptions for it, like what font i use for the words, windows or paint... etc... I want to create more banners for other people to increase my art ability (like in an rpg)...
I believe I would like to indulge in a second banner.

It shall feature Gordon Freeman* and the G-Man (or Agent Smith/The Architect...instead of the G-Man). In the center, it shall read: What is...Nephaski?

*I have never played Half Life 2, but I have read up upon it, and I think it kicks beast-of-burden.

EDIT: Check that. Forget I ever touched on the subject here.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

Last edited by Nepharski; 11-30-2004 at 02:18 PM..
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11-30-2004, 10:47 AM
Odd Trusting's Avatar
Odd Trusting
: Nov 2004
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Odd Trusting  (10)

Hey could I ask for a banner, if ain't to much work. Something simple with a couple of Mudokon Natives hanging around with Abe, one could have a cup of tea in his hand, and a sort of crude hand sketched title saying Odd Trusting (if you want to get fancy you could add in a hot airballon mad of leaves and such to complement me sig and a small fuzzle which is going to be in my sig) Sorry about this, I would do it myself but I have been to involved with other things in the photoshop I haven't had time.
Thanks a bunch,
Odd Trusting
In Odd we trust. I am a Mudokon native with a Mudokon chum named Bubba who's taken flight in a 100% natural hot-air balloon to explore Oddworld and tell his findings to us in this Mudokon village were Abe and Alf my pet fuzzle and us Mudokons live.

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12-01-2004, 12:38 PM
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Fuzzle Guy
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No bothering, I asked over three months ago now: At least, and still no banner

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12-01-2004, 03:20 PM
Odd Trusting's Avatar
Odd Trusting
: Nov 2004
: Oddworldian deserts
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Odd Trusting  (10)

Well I am just about done with the Big Gay Slig concept so maybe I will work on it myself
In Odd we trust. I am a Mudokon native with a Mudokon chum named Bubba who's taken flight in a 100% natural hot-air balloon to explore Oddworld and tell his findings to us in this Mudokon village were Abe and Alf my pet fuzzle and us Mudokons live.

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12-21-2004, 05:31 PM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
Naked & Pimping
: Dec 2004
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Godlesswanderer  (22)

Because it looks like no one's making any kind of moves with this banner/signature business, I thought I'd start.


Well, I started yours and when I was about to finish I realised that you said you didn't want it anymore. But I can't let it go to waste so, enjoy.

I could only find Freeman pictures with a quick search. So there's only Freeman in there, not G-man and whoever else you said.

Biggy Bro Slig:

Here's yours, even though you asked for it almost a month ago.


I'm not sure when you asked for yours (I forgot to look) and you didn't specify any details so I just put one together in a few minutes. That's not including the 10 mins it took to cut Lrrrr out of the picture he was in. Anyway, here it is.

Everyone Else:

I'll get to you guys in a moment .

Paint Shop Pro 8.
I find PsP quite bad for creating banners, signatures and generally all web graphics. I find Photoshop 7 very effective in web graphics of all types. It is also very effective for prints.

Last edited by Godlesswanderer; 12-22-2004 at 07:39 PM.. : Added Biggy Bro Slig's and Spacemarinehunter's signatures
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12-21-2004, 10:05 PM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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WiLL the Wander  (10)

Umm... Hey, don't attach etc. banners, it's not allowed. Nepharski can't use the banner, because you attached. Send it to him with Messenger or e-mail.

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12-22-2004, 01:13 PM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
Naked & Pimping
: Dec 2004
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Godlesswanderer  (22)

I don't mean to contradict the rules but how come I'm not allowed? And Nepharski can right click and copy the url of it. He doesn't need it emailed.
Sorry if I'm completely going against the rules.

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12-23-2004, 05:32 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

Thanx, I'll replace mine straight away...

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12-23-2004, 07:44 AM
The Shadowman's Avatar
The Shadowman
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The Shadowman  (10)

Because it looks like no one's making any kind of moves with this banner/signature business, I thought I'd start.


Well, I started yours and when I was about to finish I realised that you said you didn't want it anymore. But I can't let it go to waste so, enjoy.

I could only find Freeman pictures with a quick search. So there's only Freeman in there, not G-man and whoever else you said.

Biggy Bro Slig:

Here's yours, even though you asked for it almost a month ago.


I'm not sure when you asked for yours (I forgot to look) and you didn't specify any details so I just put one together in a few minutes. That's not including the 10 mins it took to cut Lrrrr out of the picture he was in. Anyway, here it is.

Everyone Else:

I'll get to you guys in a moment .

I find PsP quite bad for creating banners, signatures and generally all web graphics. I find Photoshop 7 very effective in web graphics of all types. It is also very effective for prints.
Paging Gordan Freeman...that is cool Godlesswanderer, I have done a seris of Oddworld sigs on freetime so anyone want one tell me
You were told several times to remove your signature, so consider this your first warning.

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12-23-2004, 09:01 PM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
Naked & Pimping
: Dec 2004
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Godlesswanderer  (22)

Thanx, I'll replace mine straight away...
If you use the url I hosted it on, which is http://img147.exs.cx/img147/6430/bb...ignature4js.gif you don't have to have that photodump.com watermark/text. Also, one thing I forgot to mention in the PM, photodump seems to have lowered the quality of the signature. [IMG][/IMG] link it as the link above and the quality will be better.

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